🤗Hugging Face ML researcher/engineer code exercise - Funky mutli-modal version

Restitution for Hugging Face's Funky multi-modal coding exercise. The chosen tensor calculus / deep learning library is PyTorch (v1.7).


Dependency management

All dependencies required to run the code are listed in the requirements.txt file.

text2img package

The text2img directory contains a Python package with utility code for the exercise. it has 3 sub modules:

  • text2img.data, in which are implemented utility functions to build the datasets
  • text2img.models, in which are implemented the Deep Learning models
  • text2img.optimization, where a custom bi-objective loss is implemented.


The restitution itself consists in 4 jupyter notebooks, under the notebooks directory:

  • 1_generate_sentence_dataset.ipynb where we build a dataset of sentences related to ImageNet classes
  • 2_generate_representation_mapping_dataset.ipynb where we use this sentece dataset to build a dataset of "source" and "target" representations to learn the repreentation mapper
  • 3_simple_linear_model.ipynb where we implement a basic linear representation mapping using PCA and the orthogonal procrustes problem
  • 4_auto_encoder.ipynb where we implement and learn an auto-encoder-based representation mapping

All notebooks should be runnable end to end, if that's not the case feel free to reach out.

Final word

That's it, I hope you'll enjoy my work as much as I enjoyed doing it !