
Confirming the various ways of doing C#'s default(T) in VB

Primary LanguageVisual BasicMIT LicenseMIT


Confirming the various ways of doing C#'s default(T) in VB are all equivalent.

Methods tested [using simple Debug.Assert on a command line app]:

Public Function GetDefaultDeclaration(Of T)() As T
    Dim result As T = Nothing
    Return result
End Function
Public Function GetDefaultNothingDirect(Of T)() As T
    Return Nothing
End Function
Public Function GetDefaultNothingCtype(Of T)() As T
    Return CType(Nothing, T)
End Function
Public Function GetDefaultNothingDirectCast(Of T)() As T
    Return DirectCast(Nothing, T)
End Function

Method not tested:

Return New T() ' Not equivalent to default(T) at all and only works for reference types.