- Product category management.
- Product inventory management.
- User management (login, logout, registration, roles).
- Order management.
- Product category management: Allows the creation, update, and deletion of product categories.
- Product inventory management: Enables the administration of product inventory, including the creation, update, and deletion of products.
- User management: Provides functions for user registration, login and logout, permission management, and user roles.
- Order management: Allows the creation and management of customer orders.
Database: MySQL has been used as the database to store information related to categories, products, users, and orders.
ORM Framework: Sequelize is used as an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool to facilitate interaction with the MySQL database.
Backend technology: Node.js has been used to develop the backend application, leveraging its ability to handle requests and responses asynchronously.
Web server: Express is utilized as a web server framework for Node.js, enabling request routing and implementation of API endpoints.
Relevant tests for all API endpoints have been conducted using the Postman application.
Use of Bcrypt: Regarding security aspects, user passwords are encrypted using the hashing technique, which consists of concatenating the password with a randomly generated string called "salt".
Furthermore, the user login generates a token on the server following the JSON Web Token (JWT) scheme. This token is then used to validate calls to non-public endpoints.
General development with Javascript: Allows for efficient handling of asynchronous requests and seamless API integration.
The project was completed within a ten-day timeframe as part of an exercise for The Bridge Valencia's FullStack Bootcamp.
It consists of the development of a REST API for an e-commerce, for which a database with user entities, order, categories and products has been created. With a relationship of (M:N), where an associative entity of orderItem was created, in addition to the relationships (1 : N) between the other entities.
Entity Relationship Diagram:
Dependency installations
Configuration and database creation
Creation of models for each table
Model migrations
Creation of controllers for endpoints
Routes creation
Testing with Postman
Development of functionality tests and validation
- Create user
- Login
- Create an order with products
- Logout
Functional requirements:
- Sending an account activation email.
- Order confirmation through OTP (One Time Password).
- Allowing users to write product reviews.
Non-functional requirements:
- Adding more API tests.
- Configuring Jest and Supertest to run tests using an in-memory database (such as SQLite).
Docker installation on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
Creation of a custom builder:
docker buildx create --name mybuilder
Set the custom builder for use:
docker buildx use mybuilder
Install specific building plugin for ARM architectures (source):
sudo docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install arm64
Check if the plugin has been installed:
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap
Build and push the Docker image ready for ARM and AMD platforms (Docker account required and already logged in):
docker buildx build --push --tag dfanaro/e-commerce_backend:latest --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 .
Pull the Docker image recently pushed:
docker pull dfanaro/e-commerce_backend:latest
Run the Docker image recently pulled:
docker run -p 9001:9001 -d --name=e-commerce-api --restart=always -v e-commerce_backend:/usr/src/app/uploads dfanaro/e-commerce_backend:latest
Create a new migration:
npx sequelize-cli migration:generate --name modify_users_add_avatar_column
Migrate changes to the database:
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
Roll back changes made to the database:
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate:undo --name 20230822151147-modify_users_add_avatar_column.js