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app.json is a manifest format for describing web apps. It declares environment variables, add-ons, and other information required to run an app. You can find out more about it here.

If you want to be able to declare and use variables, which is not possible in json files, you can instead use app.config.js.

Information that should be included is name, slug, etc. Read about all the fields you can add here.

For mobile applications you will often need to specify ios and android fields and provide some additional properties.

Here is an example app.config.js

const version = `2.1.0`
const buildNumber = 33

const config = {
  expo: {
    version: version,
    name: 'My App',
    slug: 'my-app',
    description: 'My app description',
    ios: {
      buildNumber: `${buildNumber}`,
      bundleIdentifier: '',
      googleServicesFile: './config/GoogleService-Info.plist',
      supportsTablet: true,
      icon: './src/assets/buddies/solid-icon.png',
      infoPlist: {
          'This makes it possible to show you other users around you.',
          'This makes it possible to upload your profile picture',
        ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption: false,
    android: {
      versionCode: buildNumber,
      icon: './src/assets/my-app/icon.png',
      googleServicesFile: './config/google-services-buddies.json',
      package: '',
      useNextNotificationsApi: true,
      config: {
        googleSignIn: {
          apiKey: 'AIza***********************Tvvw',
    plugins: [
          "photosPermission": "The app accesses your photos to let you share them with your friends."
    userInterfaceStyle: "automatic",
    extra: {
      eas: {
        projectId: "1ba9***********************e6d",
        cli: {
          version: ">= 2.7.0"
    privacy: 'public',
    platforms: ['ios', 'android'],
    githubUrl: '',
    orientation: 'portrait',
    primaryColor: '#000000',
    splash: {
      resizeMode: 'contain',
      backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
      image: './src/assets/my-app/logo.png',
    updates: {
      fallbackToCacheTimeout: 0,
    assetBundlePatterns: ['**/*', 'src/assets/images/*']

export default config

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