
Creative coding workspace

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tronicart - Creative Workspace

forthebadge forthebadge


This monorepo is designed for creative coding, mainly with P5.js, but not limited to it. It uses pnpm as a package manager and Turbo Repo as a monorepo tool. Sketches are located in the /sketches folder, while reusable packages are located in the /packages folder.

Here are a few sketch outputs I've generated thanks to these tools:

Getting Started

To get started with this monorepo, you'll need to install pnpm globally:

npm install -g pnpm

Then, install the dependencies:

pnpm install

Creating a New Sketch

To create a new TypeScript sketch, use the following command:

pnpm generate:sketch

This will create a new sketch in the /sketches folder, with the following structure:


You can then start the development server for your sketch using the following command:

turbo run serve --filter=<sketchName>

This will start a development server at http://localhost:3033 that automatically rebuilds your sketch as you make changes.

Running the Playground Sketch

A playground sketch exists for fiddling around. To run the playground sketch, use the following command:

pnpm run playground

This will start a development server at http://localhost:3033 that allows you to experiment with different sketches and packages.


This monorepo contains several reusable packages for creative coding, located in the /packages folder. Some of the most important packages are:

Check the /packages folder for more.


If you'd like to contribute to this monorepo, please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub. Contributions are always welcome!