
🔌 A vue plugin for creating time reactive UIs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vue reactive clock plugin

What is it good for ?

This plugin helps build time reactive UIs

A few examples where it might be useful :

  • If you want to display a clock that updates as time goes by
  • If you have a live dashboard with the current day's info, when passing to the next day, you'll want it to automatically update.


Hook up the plugin to your Vue

import Clock from 'vue-reactive-clock'


This will add a $clock property to your Vue which self updates.

It can be used directly in the templates ...

    Today's date : {{ $clock.now | formatFilter }}

You can use $clock programatically in your computed properties to have your UI update as time passes

computed: {
  isUrgent() {
    let d =  new Date(this.$clock.now);
    return d.getHours() > 18;