A custom GraphQL scalar type for Firebase and Google Cloud Firestore.
npm install --save firestore-graphql-scalars
yarn add firestore-graphql-scalars
To use this scalar you'll need to add it in two places, your schema and your resolvers map.
In your schema:
scalar Timestamp
In your resolver map, first import them:
import { timestampResolver } from 'firestore-graphql-scalars';
Then make sure they're in the root resolver map like this:
const myResolverMap = {
Timestamp: timestampResolver,
Query: {
// more stuff here
Mutation: {
// more stuff here
Alternatively, use the default import and ES6's spread operator syntax:
import { resolvers } from 'firestore-graphql-scalars';
Then make sure they're in the root resolver map like this:
const myResolverMap = {
Query: {
// more stuff here
Mutation: {
// more stuff here
That's it. Now you can use these scalar types in your schema definition like this:
type Person {
createdAt: Timestamp
These scalars can be used just like the base, built-in ones.
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server';
import { makeExecutableSchema } from '@graphql-tools/schema';
import { typeDefs, resolvers } from 'firestore-graphql-scalars';
const server = new ApolloServer({
schema: makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: [
// use spread syntax to add scalar definitions to your schema
// DateTimeTypeDefinition,
// ...
// ... other type definitions ...
resolvers: {
// use spread syntax to add scalar resolvers to your resolver map
// DateTimeResolver,
// ...
// ... remainder of resolver map ...
server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`);
Released under the MIT license.
Issues and Pull Requests are always welcome. ❤️
This repository is a fork of graphql-scalars. It's inspired by @lookfirst's issue and juicylevel/coffee-service. Big thanks to the contributors of these repositories! 🙏