A set of configuration files to use with EclecticIQ's OpenTAXII implementation, along with a callback for when data is sent to the TAXII Server's inbox.
For a really simple sqlite-based installation (plug and play, no persistence)
docker pull floatingghost/misp-taxii-server
docker run -it \
-e PERSIST_CONNECTION_STRING="sqlite:///persist.db" \
-e AUTH_CONNECTION_STRING="sqlite:///auth.db" \
-e MISP_URL="https://mymisp" \
-e MISP_KEY="myapikey" \
-e TAXII_USER=root \
-e TAXII_PASS=root \
-p 9000:9000 \
That'll get you set up with a basic server, but is not recommended for production. Switch the connection strings to use an external database for that.
This docker image currently just runs the base server with no supplimentary scripts.
Download the repository with
git clone --recursive https://github.com/MISP/MISP-Taxii-Server
This will also download the OpenTAXII Server, which you should install with
# There's some weird bug wherein pip can't parse >=1.1.111
sudo pip3 install libtaxii==1.1.111
cd OpenTAXII
sudo python3 setup.py install
You'll then need to set up your TAXII database. As you're using MISP, you'll likely already have a MySQL environment running.
Run the following commands to create your databases
mysql -u [database user] -p
# Enter Database password
mysql> create database taxiiauth;
mysql> create database taxiipersist;
mysql> grant all on taxiiauth.* to 'taxii'@'%' identified by 'some_password';
mysql> grant all on taxiipersist.* to 'taxii'@'%' identified by 'some_password';
mysql> exit;
Now, with that data, copy config/config.default.yaml
over to config/config.yaml
and open it. Edit the db_connection
parameters to match your environment. Change auth_api -> parameters -> secret
whilst you're here as well.
Do not forget to set your MISP server's URL and API key at the bottom.
If you wish, you can edit the taxii service definitions in services.yaml
or the collections to be created in collections.yaml
; full documentation on how this is set up is available at OpenTaxii's docs.
Now it's time to create all your SQL tables. Luckily OpenTaxii comes with commands for this.
You're going to want to export your configuration file to a variable as well.
# Install mysqlclient for python3 if you haven't already done so
apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev # for mysql_config
pip3 install mysqlclient
# An example of this config is in the config directory
export OPENTAXII_CONFIG=/path/to/config.yaml
opentaxii-create-services -c config/services.yaml
opentaxii-create-collections -c config/collections.yaml
# Create a user account
# Set the username and password to whatever you want
opentaxii-create-account -u root -p root
OpenTaxii is now ready to roll, we've just gotta do one more thing.
In the repository root directory, run
sudo python3 setup.py install
This will install the TAXII hooks to run when we have new data.
Now we should be ready to go!
This should tell you that there is now a server running on localhost:9000
(maybe a different port if you changed it). If there are no errors, you're good!
If you want to test everything is working, run
taxii-push --path http://localhost:9000/services/inbox -f stix_sample.xml \
--dest collection --username root --password root
Obviously replace anything that differs in your system.
The client should say "Content Block Pushed Successfully" if all went well.
Now you have a TAXII server hooked up to MISP, you're able to send STIX files to the inbox and have them uploaded directly to MISP. So that's nice <3
There is also an experimental feature to push MISP events to the TAXII server when they're published - that's in scripts/push_published_to_taxii.py
. It seems to work, but may occasionally re-upload duplicate events to MISP.
If you want, there is the ability to synchronise between a remote TAXII server and the local MISP server.
$ install-remote-server.sh
< Add a unique server name here, can be anything >
This will then install 2 files to ~/.misptaxii
, one for a local server and one for the remote servers.
Edit these files as needed. Run install-remote-server.sh
once for each remote server you want to add.
You'll probably want to put the sync script on a crontab,
First, run
echo `which python3` `which run-taxii-poll.py`
to get the path of your script, copy it. Then
crontab -e
This will open your crontab. Paste in
0 */6 * * * <the output of that echo command you just ran>
This will run the polling script every 6 hours to keep things all synced up.
Warning: (1265, "Data truncated for column 'original_message' at row 1")
Warning: (1265, "Data truncated for column 'content' at row 1")
If you encounter the error above, this means you tried to push a STIX file bigger than 65,535 bytes. To fix it run the following commands.
mysql -u [database user] -p
# Enter Database password
mysql> use taxiipersist;
mysql> alter table `inbox_messages` modify `original_message` LONGTEXT;
mysql> alter table `content_blocks` modify `content` LONGTEXT;
mysql> exit;
Warning: (1071, 'Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes')
If you encounter the error above, try the following after creating the databases as per this issue:
ALTER DATABASE taxiipersist CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci;
ALTER DATABASE taxiiauth CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci;
Take note of the user you did export OPENTAXII_CONFIG=/path/to/config.yaml
with. If you sudo
, this env will be lost. Use sudo -E
to preserve env instead.
PyMISP complains about missing certificate verification. Under the misp-options in config.yaml
do not simply set verifySSL = False
. You can provide the CA bundle, a concatenation of all certificates in the chain, as verifySSL = /path/to/ca_bundle
. Alternatively, you can export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/path/to/ca_bundle
To verify that the opentaxii-create-services
and opentaxii-create-collections
worked, check the tables of database taxiipersist
MariaDB [taxiipersist]> show tables;
| Tables_in_taxiipersist |
| collection_to_content_block |
| content_blocks |
| data_collections |
| inbox_messages |
| result_sets |
| service_to_collection |
| services |
| subscriptions |
To verify whether the account-creation worked, check database taxiiauth
MariaDB [taxiiauth]> select * from accounts;
| id | username | password_hash |
| 1 | ltaxii | pbkdf2:sha256:50000$99999999$1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 |