
My OPINIONATED LaTeX classes for syn-sem

Primary LanguageTeX

Lingtex (WIP)

Custom LaTeX classes for linguists with a Syn-Sem bias.


You can install this class by manually linking the .cls and .def files to an appropriate location in your TEXMFHOME directory (find where this is by running kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME in the terminal). Alternatively, just include the .def files and whichever .cls files you want to use in the same directory as your .tex file.


  • Allow single markdown source to be compiled as both ling-handout and ling-slides. This should be straightforward, since ling-handout already uses beamerarticle.
  • Add example of ling-sidenotes usage.
  • Add options for users of pdflatex.

Paper, handout, and abstract

Font prerequisites

Everything except for STIX2 should be available on, e.g., a recent version of OSX as a system font.

Note that the sans font can be set to the commercial font Cronos Pro, if the option cronos is passed to ling-paper.


The classes are set-up with the expectation that documents will be compiled via xelatex. Math formulae can be entered directly as unicode (although LaTeX math commands should work too), e.g.:

\(λ P . λ Q . P ∩ Q ≠ ∅\)

If you use emacs, there are multiple possibilities for entering unicode symbols efficiently. I use the Agda input method distributed with the main agda release. The company math unicode backend also works well, when set up to work with xelatex and unicode math, as described here.


Uses scrartcl as the base class. Watermarked with the current git revision via gitinfo2. This requires a bit of a manual intervention, so see the gitinfo2 documentation for information about how to set up the relevant hooks.


Uses scrartcl as the base class.


Uses scrartcl as a base class. To satisfy the most common abstract requirements, margins are set to 1 inch, and font size to 12pt. Additional modifications, such as custom section headers, title, and bibliography all serve to maximize space.


Font prerequisites


Based on the now ubiquitous metropolis beamer theme but with the excellent owl color theme to stand out from the crowd. The light variant of the theme is enabled by default.