
build system made for ModularOS project and AVR firmwares.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Small build system made for ModularOS project and AVR firmwares.


  • Python 3 Dependent on use:
  • gcc pacman -S gcc or apt-get install gcc
  • avr-gcc pacman -S avr-gcc or apt-get install avr-gcc


Main config

The main configration file is buildz.json. It must be placed in project root directory. Structure of the config is:

    "build": {
        "type": "",
        "targets": ""
    "modules": [],
    "toolchains": {
        "toolchain": {
            "type": "",
            "output_dir": "build/{build_type}",
            "output_pattern": "{module_name}",
            "conf": {},
            "env": {}
    "targets": {
        "target": {
            "modules": "all",
            "toolchain": "toolchain",
            "env": {
  • build
    • type: Can be "release" or "debug" as for now.
    • targets
  • modules: It is a list of project modules. Module name is equivalent to directory in project root. Module directory must contain module.json file.
  • toolchains: Dictionary of toolchains used by project. Dictionary key is used to identify toolchain in config. Toolchain must have:
    • type: It can be "GccToolchain" or "AvrGccToolchain".
    • output_dir: It can be project relative or absolute path where outputs should be placed. It can use some of variables.
    • output_pattern: It is output file name pattern. It can use some of variables.
    • conf: It is compiler config dictionary. It cannot change for all of targets and is dependent on toolchain type.
    • env: It is compiler config that can change. Can be placed in target, module or toolchain config. Its content depends on toolchain type. It can use some of variables.
    • Variables to use in env, output_dir or in output_pattern:
    • build_type, target_name, target_toolchain, module_name
  • targets: It is dictionary of targets. Key is name of target. Target is corresponding to procesor, platform etc. but can be whathever you wants.
    • modules: It can be list of modules that can be compiled for target. Additionaly it can be just string "all".
    • toolchain: It is one of keys from @buildz.toolchains.
    • env: It is target dependent part of compiler env. It can use the same variables as toolchain.env. It is compiler specific.

Module Config file

Must be placed in {project-root}/{module-name}/module.json

    "files": [],
    "envs": {
        "toolchain": {
    "packaging": ""
  • files: It is list of module directory relative files or can be an absolute path.
  • envs: Module env can change according to used toolchain. The key of envs dict must be one of {buildz.json}.toolchains keys.
  • packaging: It is toolchain specific. For GCC and for avr-gcc it can be executable, static or shared.



  • Conf must be dict of variables such as:

    • gcc_path: On Linux usually it is /usr/bin/gcc. If you have configured OS env it can be just gcc.
    • ld_path: On Linux usually it is /usr/bin/ld. If you have configured OS env it can be just ld.
    • ar_path: On Linux usually it is /usr/bin/ar. If you have configured OS env it can be just ar.
  • Env variables are:

    • optimization: Default is 3. It can be 0, 1,2,3 or "s".

    • compiler_flags: Default is []. It it list of strings, each string per flag.

    • includes: Default is []. It is list of strings. Strings can be absolute, root relative (if defined in toolchain.env or target.env) or module relative (if defined in module.envs) paths. It can use env parameters.

    • defines: Default is []. It is list of strings. Strings can be absolute, root relative (if defined in toolchain.env or target.env) or module relative (if defined in module.envs) paths. It can use env parameters.

    • build_type: Default is release. It can be release or debug.

    • debug_level: Default is None. It can be 0, 1, None, 3.

    • link_flags: Default is []. It it list of strings, each string per flag.

    • link_dirs: Default is []. It is list of strings. Strings can be absolute, root relative (if defined in toolchain.env or target.env) or module relative (if defined in module.envs) paths. It can use env parameters.

    • link: Default is []. It is list of strings. Each of string is library name which should be linked.


  • Conf must be dict of variables such as:

    • The same as for GccToolchain.
  • Env variables are:

    • The same as for GccToolchain.
  • Additionally they are:

    • mcu: It is string containing mcu name.
    • fcpu: Default is [1000000]. It is list of integers. It is use for target compilation.
  • Additional variables are available for output_dir and output_pattern. They are:

    • mcu: string
    • fcpu: integer