
Tool to measure system resources during any function runtime.

Primary LanguagePython

Measure System Resources

Track and save system resources consumption while YOUR function is running.

  • per CPU (%),
  • Network sent/recv,
  • RAM,
  • Timestamp.


  • performance.py is main module that stores record_system_performance function which do the work.

How to

1) Download the repository

git clone https://github.com/patryklaskowski/Measure_System_Resources.git && \
cd Measure_System_Resources

1a) Create and activate virtual environment (optional but recommended).

python3.7 -m venv env && \
source env/bin/activate

2) Install requirements

python3.7 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

2a) Test

python3.7 test.py


On path there is new XLS Measure_System_Resources/performance_1610449879.xlsx


3) Import the record_system_performance function

Great way is to add the path of /Measure_System_Resources to sys.path. This step helps python interpreter to find the tool.

import sys

tool_path = '/abolute/path/to/the/Measure_System_Resources'
sys.path.insert(0, tool_path)

from performance import record_system_performance

# The rest
# of your code
# ...

4) Run

# The rest
# Of your code
# ...

import os
import time

# Your function to measure
def sleep_five_sec():

# Path where XLS file will be saved
filename = f'performance_{round(time.time())}.xlsx'
cur_abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir)
path = os.path.join(cur_abspath, filename)
# show time
record_system_performance(path, sleep_five_sec, timeout=20, sleep_around=5, stop=False)


  • Show example plots
  • Describe record_system_performance(path, sleep_five_sec, timeout=20, sleep_around=5, stop=False) attributes
  • Thread should activate process with e.g. Event(). Now sleep_around is not symmetric.
  • Describe measures from XLS