But supports only PMML-4_1,
and we have PMML-4_3.
GitHub page.
But hard to setup.
But there is no free license.
D. pmml2sklearn
But parse pmml files and convert it to sklearn kmeans models.
But supports only few models (Decision Trees, Random Forests (ensemble method), Linear Model (specifically: Linear Reg, Ridge, Lasso, ElasticNet), Gaussian Naive Bayes)
Almost good...
F. PyPmml
Which is simple, supports almost all models on all PMML versions and works!
A. r-pmml
Supported models
Supports wide range of different model types (Anomaly Detection, Clustering, K Nearest Neighbors, Linear Models, etc.)
But this is PMML reader for R language.
This package contains functions to export various machine learning and statistical models to PMML, as well as generate data transformations in PMML format.
B. r2pmml
R package for converting R models to PMML. Requires Java.
Java Evaluator API for Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML)
Supported versions: PMML versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4.
Wide range of models supported (Association rules, Cluster model, General regression, Naive Bayes, k-Nearest neighbors, Neural network, etc.)
PyPMML is a Python PMML scoring library, it really is the Python API for PMML4S.
PMML4S is a PMML (Predictive Model Markup Language) scoring library for Scala. It provides both Scala and Java Evaluator API for PMML. PMML4S is a lightweight, clean and efficient implementation based on the PMML specification from 2.0 through to the latest 4.4.
Below code load PMML decision tree model and make prediction.
>>> from pypmml import Model
>>> model = Model.load('Waga.xml')
>>> model.predict({'Wzrost': 180})
{'$RI-Waga': 24, '$R-Waga': 65.32}
>>> model.inputNames
>>> model.predict([180])
[65.32, 24]
>>> model.outputNames
['$R-Waga', '$RI-Waga']
Data in Pandas DataFrame
form is also accepted.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> data = pd.DataFrame({
... 'Wzrost' : [180, 170, 160]})
>>> model.predict(data)
$R-Waga $RI-Waga
0 65.320000 24
1 57.190909 40
2 51.010526 17
In this case PMML models are going to be produced in SAS.
Below compare all possible models that PMML supports with all models that SAS may export in PMML format with all models that PyPmml Python library as well as JPmml support.
Idx | All PMML models | SAS Enterprise Miner [PMML Producer] |
SAS Enterprise Miner 14.3 [PMML Consumer/Producer] |
PyPMML [Python Library] |
JPMML-Evaluator [Java Evaluator] |
1 | AnomalyDetectionModel | - | - | ✅ Anomaly Detection Models | - |
2 | AssociationModel | ✅ Association Rules | - | ✅ Association Rules | ✅ Association rules |
3 | BayesianNetworkModel | - | - | ❌ Bayesian Network | - |
4 | BaselineModel | - | ✅ Baseline models [???] |
❌ Baseline Models | - |
5 | ClusteringModel | ✅ Clustering | ✅ Clustering models | ✅ Cluster Models | ✅ Cluster model |
6 | GaussianProcessModel | - | - | ❌ Gaussian Process | - |
7 | GeneralRegressionModel | - | - | ✅ General Regression | ✅ General regression |
8 | MiningModel | - | - | - | |
9 | NaiveBayesModel | - | ✅ Naïve Bayes [PMML Consumer] |
✅ Naive Bayes | ✅ Naive Bayes |
10 | NearestNeighborModel | - | - | ✅ k-Nearest Neighbors | ✅ k-Nearest neighbors |
11 | NeuralNetwork | ✅ Neural Networks | ✅ Neural Networks | ✅ Neural Network | ✅ Neural Networks |
12 | RegressionModel | ✅ Linear Regression ✅ Logistic Regression |
✅ Regression | ✅ Regression | ✅ Regression |
13 | RuleSetModel | - | - | ✅ Ruleset | ✅ Rule set |
14 | SequenceModel | - | - | ❌ Sequences | - |
15 | Scorecard | - | ✅ Scorecard [PMML Consumer] |
✅ Scorecard | ✅ Scorecard |
16 | SupportVectorMachineModel | - | ✅ Vector Machine [PMML Consumer] |
✅ Vector Machine | ✅ Support Vector Machine |
17 | TextModel | - | - | ❌ Text Models | - |
18 | TimeSeriesModel | - | - | ❌ Time Series | ✅ Time Series |
19 | TreeModel | ✅ Decision Trees | ✅ Trees | ✅ Trees | ✅ Tree Model |
Documentation points these models as supported by PMML format.
According to this website SAS Enterprise Miner can produce this models:
Website. Look for "Supported PMML Models".
SAS PROC PSCORE supports the following types of PMML models:
This means that SAS in general is able to handle either import or export of above.
Supports following models:
PyPmml is a good solution that supports wide range of PMML versions and all desired models except Baseline Models. This seems to be a great choice for this project!