
A collection of URLs that point to where one can request the data dump a given social network will generate for you. .

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Social Network Data Dump URLs

A collection of URLs that point to where one can request the data dump a given social network will generate for you. I didn't realize more social networks offered this feature, so this repo is an attempt to collate all of the ones that do, in addition to providing instructions on how a user can procure their available data.

Table of Contents

1. Facebook

The fat cat in the room. Provides a lot of options to generate a dump of one's data. Unfortunately, what you won't find in the export are the the data models and projections they've constructed from your data.

Quick Link (Go Here)
(Be sure to log in first!)


  1. Log into the web interface at https://www.facebook.com/login

  2. Click the Down Arrow all the way to the right of the blue navigation bar, then Settings

  3. Click Your Facebook Information in the lefthand menu.

  4. Click View next to Download Your Information

  5. Select the desired options (please see the Data Filtering Options section for more info)

  6. Click the blue Create File

  7. An alert is displayed that explains the data may take some time to compile.

An email with the download link will be sent to the email address associated with the account when the data is ready. Additionally, clicking the Available Copies tab will allow a user to download previously-compiled copies of the data.

Facebook provides options on how the data will be compiled. One can filter by the following fields:

Option Name Available Values
Date Range All of my data, or a start and end date range
Media Quality High, Medium, Low

Additionally, there are quite a few options to filter Your Information

Expand to see all of the options for Your Information
Option Name Description
Posts Posts you've shared on Facebook, posts that are hidden from your timeline, and polls you have created
Photos and Videos Photos and videos you've uploaded and shared
Comments Comments you've posted on your own posts, on other people's posts or in groups you belong to
Likes and Reactions Posts, comments and Pages you've liked or reacted to
Friends The people you are connected to on Facebook
Stories Photos and videos you've shared to your story
Following and Followers People, organizations or business you choose to see content from, and people who follow you
Messages Messages you've exchanged with other people on Messenger
Groups Groups you belong to, groups you manage and your posts and comments within the groups you belong to
Events Your responses to events and a list of the events you've created
Profile Information Your contact information, information in your profile's About section, your life events, hobbies and music.
Pages Pages you are the admin of
Marketplace Your activity on Marketplace
Payment History A history of payments you've made through Facebook
Saved Items and Collections A list of the posts you've saved, and your activity within collections
Your Places A list of places you've created
Apps and Websites Apps and websites you log into using Facebook and apps you admin
Portal Info associated with your Portal, such as favorites and photos on Superframe
Other Activity Activity associated with your account, such as Pokes given and received

Information About You

Information associated with your Facebook account, such as your logins to Facebook and what devices you use.
Option Name Description
Ads Ads topics that are most relevant to you, advertisers who have collected information directly from you and information you've submitted to advertisers
Search History A history of your searches on Facebook
Location Information related to your location
About You Information associated with your Facebook account
Security and Login Information A history of your logins, logouts, periods of time that you've been active on Facebook and the devices you use to access Facebook.

Data Format

TODO (Too long, didnt document)

2. Instagram

Instagram is a subsidiary of Facebook (the Corporation). Assume that any data contributed to Instagram will be thrown into the same pot of "data stew" Facebook (the product) has already vacuumed up.

Quick Link (Go Here)
(Be sure to log in first!)


  1. Log into the web interface at https://www.instagram.com/
  2. Click the above link or navigate to https://www.instagram.com/accounts/privacy_and_security/ and click Request Download
  3. An email with the download link will be sent to the email address associated with the account.

Data Format

The data comes in json-formatted files, along with any posts, stories, or other DMs you may have submitted.

Expand to see the folder structure
├── autofill.json
├── checkout.json
├── comments.json
├── connections.json
├── contacts.json
├── direct
│   └── [datetime]
│       └── [truncated].jpg
├── likes.json
├── media.json
├── messages.json
├── photos
│   ├── [datetime]
│   │   └── [truncated].jpg
│   └── [datetime]
│       ├── [truncated].jpg
│       └── [truncated].jpg
├── profile
│   └── [datetime]
│       └── [truncated].jpg
├── profile.json
├── saved.json
├── searches.json
├── settings.json
├── stories
│   ├── [datestamp]
│   │   └── [truncated].mp4
│   └── [datestamp]
│       ├── [truncated].jpg
│       └── [truncated].mp4
├── stories_activities.json
└── videos
    ├── [datestamp]
    │   └── [truncated].mp4

5. Snapchat

Quick Link (Go Here)
(Be sure to log in first!)


  1. Log into the web interface at https://accounts.snapchat.com/accounts/login
  2. On the Manage My Account page, click My Data
  3. Scroll to the bottom and click Submit Request

An email with the download link will be sent to the email address associated with the account when the data is ready.

Data Format

The data is provided in both HTML and JSON formats. The initial folder structure should be similar to:

Expand to see the folder structure
├── html
│   ├── account.html
│   ├── account_history.html
│   ├── bitmoji.html
│   ├── bitmoji_kit_user.html
│   ├── cameos_metadata.html
│   ├── chat_history.html
│   ├── community_lenses.html
│   ├── connected_apps.html
│   ├── faq.html
│   ├── friends.html
│   ├── in_app_reports.html
│   ├── in_app_surveys.html
│   ├── location_history.html
│   ├── memories_history.html
│   ├── purchase_history.html
│   ├── ranking.html
│   ├── search_history.html
│   ├── shared_story.html
│   ├── shop_history.html
│   ├── snap_ads.html
│   ├── snap_games.html
│   ├── snap_history.html
│   ├── subscriptions.html
│   ├── support_note.html
│   ├── talk_history.html
│   ├── terms_history.html
│   └── user_profile.html
├── index.html
└── json
    ├── account.json
    ├── account_history.json
    ├── bitmoji.json
    ├── bitmoji_kit_user.json
    ├── cameos_metadata.json
    ├── chat_history.json
    ├── community_lenses.json
    ├── connected_apps.json
    ├── friends.json
    ├── in_app_reports.json
    ├── in_app_surveys.json
    ├── location_history.json
    ├── memories_history.json
    ├── purchase_history.json
    ├── ranking.json
    ├── search_history.json
    ├── shared_story.json
    ├── shop_history.json
    ├── snap_ads.json
    ├── snap_games.json
    ├── snap_history.json
    ├── subscriptions.json
    ├── support_note.json
    ├── talk_history.json
    ├── terms_history.json
    └── user_profile.json

8. Spotify

Spotify requires a lengthy three-step process to procure a user's data. They state the process can take up to 30 days(!) to complete.

Quick Link (Go Here)
(Be sure to log in first!)


  1. Log into the web interface at https://accounts.spotify.com/en/login
  2. Spotify sends an email with a link to confirm your request. If the email can't be found fpr whatever reason, it can be resent from the same page.
  3. After confirming the email, a notification will be sent telling the user Spotify is collating their data. This can take up to 30 days to complete. (As presumably the monkeys 🐒 with typewriters manually transcribe your data)
  4. An email will be sent when the data is ready to be downloaded.

Data Format

TODO: Update when received


Please submit a PR if I missed a service or there's a Better Way®. Furthermore, you can reach me via multiple avenues at https://patschreiber.com/contact
