
Dark stellar evolution code

Primary LanguageFortran

Readme for DarkStars p.scott@imperial.ac.uk

Short version of the standard licence:

Copyright (c) 2009 Pat Scott Some residual parts of EZ Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2007 Bill Paxton

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



DarkStars is a stellar evolution package intended for use in exploring the impact of dark matter upon stars. It is based on the EZ stellar evolution code, which is itself based on the STARS code, and includes modified versions of some routines in DarkSUSY. The source code is freely available for download from http://www.fysik.su.se/~pat/darkstars.

DarkStars has been described in a series of papers and conference proceedings; if you publish work using or inspired by it, please at least cite the two articles included in the distribution: Scott, Fairbairn & Edsjö (2009, MNRAS 394:82, arXiv:0809.1871) Scott, Edsjö & Fairbairn (2009, Proc. DARK2009, arXiv:0904.2395). Please refer to those two articles for further information on the DarkStars code and its input physics. You may also consider citing one or more of the other articles describing DarkStars: Fairbairn, Scott & Edsjö (2008, PRD 77:047301, arXiv:0710.3396) Scott, Edsjö & Fairbairn (2008, Proc. DARK2007, arXiv0711.0991) Scott, Fairbairn & Edsjö (2008, Proc. IDM08, PoS(idm2008)073, arXiv:0810.5560).

If you publish something using DarkStars, please also cite the EZ paper: Paxton (2004, PASP 115:699, arXiv:astro-ph/0405130), as well as the original STARS papers: Eggleton (1971, MNRAS 151:351) Eggleton (1972, MNRAS 156:361) Pols, Tout, Eggleton & Han (1995, MNRAS 274:964, arXiv:astro-ph/9504025).


Unpack the tar file to a directory of your choice, cd to DarkStars/run and type './mkdark'. If you've got the Intel or GNU fortran compiler, and are running on an x86 machine, then everything should go smoothly. If not, edit DarkStars/make/makefile to suit your compiler and architecture. Users should probably do this anyway to ensure that the correct optimisations are being used for their specific architecture. It may also be necessary to edit the makefiles in the DarkSUSY directory if compiling proves troublesome.

DarkStars has been tested with ifort 12 and gfortran 4.8.5.

Running (and plotting) the examples

DarkStars operates by piping simple text files into the program as input. As output, it writes a series of log files, prints varying degrees of information to STDOUT and sometimes dumps .sav and .sav.dark files.

To run the examples, try first

cd DarkStars/run ./DarkStars < ../DarkRuns/example_verydark/example_verydark.in > ../DarkRuns/example_verydark/example_verydark.out

This run should be reasonably quick, i.e. about 30 minutes. For the other two examples, replace 'verydark' in the command above with 'dark' or 'normal'. Be aware that the 'dark' example is set to run at 10 times the temporal resolution of the other two examples, so will probably run for over a day!

When you're done running examples, compare the output in the DarkStars/DarkRuns/example_/logs/.log and DarkStars/DarkRuns/example_/example_.out files to the example output in DarkStars/DarkRuns/example_*/diffme.

The DarkStars/DarkRuns/example_*/diffme/plots directory also contains example plots for each example star. If you have Ruby and Tioga properly installed you can generate your own plots by editing DarkStars/star_profile/path.txt to point to the run you're interested in, then going to DarkStars/star_history and running

ruby make_history_pdfs.rb

The plots will appear in DarkStars/star_history/history_out. Other plots can be generated using DarkStars/star_profile/make_profile_pdfs.rb and DarkStars/PatPlots/make_Pat_pdfs.rb. Have a poke around in the rb files in these directories if you want to modify the plots (I seem to need to change spacings, font sizes, legends etc all the time because I want a slightly different version of a plot - so since some plots use common code, a few of them are not currently spaced very nicely).

There are a range of options and inputs available to the user in a DarkStars input file - the following sections give a quick explanation of what each one does. Various of these are incompatible with each other, so the code checks for this and throws a (hopefully informative) error message when a conflict occurs. If any are not specified, they are assumed to be zero - which is not checked for in the code, so be careful not to leave any out!


metals_dir: directory to use for metallicity information. Should be one of z0_proto, z0001, z0003, z001, z004, z01, z02, or z03

main_dir: the main directory for I/O for this model. This is where the data, profile and movie directories must reside, and will be where any save/restore files are created/sourced. This is also where DarkStars will search for orbit.dat if the user chooses to specify a particular orbit.

data_dir: the directory in which to save output log files. The format of the standard EZ logs can be found in DarkStars/demos/DATA_README. The format of the additional log added by DarkStars (extra.log) can be found (as comments) and modified in lines 260-290 of ez_do_one.f.

prof_dir: the directory in which to save profile files for important individual times in the star's evolution.

movie_dir: the directory in which to save profile files at regular increments for use in creating movies.


capmode false: analytical integration over Gaussian halo profile true: numerical calculation

interpmode false: linear interpolation in mass, density fractions, potential and WIMP radial number density. This mode has not been fully implemented yet. true: cubic spline interpolation in some things and tensional spline interpolation using TSPACK in others.

potmode false: tabulation of potentials, with interpolation as per interpmode true: explicit evaluation of potential integrals during integration over halo profile and annihilation rates, as well as evaluation of the WIMP gravitational partition function. NOTE: tabulation is faster, but might produce inaccurate results if the EZ adaptive mesh gets really wild, particularly if interpmode is set to true.

chopatvesc false: do not assume any cut-off in the halo velocity distribution. true: truncate the WIMP velocity distribution at the local galactic escape velocity.

altveldist false: assume a standard isothermal WIMP halo velocity distribution. true: use some other fancy user-defined WIMP velocity distribution. Currently defaults to the 'N-body' distribution described in the 2009 MNRAS paper.

WIMPdensmode false: approximate expression used for radial WIMP distribution, based upon the assumption of constant stellar density in the region populated by WIMPs (i.e. the central density). true: WIMP radial distribution calculated based upon true density distribution.

ReconvergeModels false: run in explicit mode whilst solving capture and stellar structure equations. true: reconverge each stellar model after each timestep with the new WIMP population and distribution.

DoTransport false: WIMP conductive energy transport ignored true: WIMP energy transport enabled

DoMovie false: don't save files required for making an evolutionary movie true: save required data for creating a movie

DoWIMPyThings false: don't compute effects, capture nor annihilation of WIMPs at all true: go to town

verbose false: quiet output. Errors, warnings and comments are still printed. true: verbose output, printing WIMP population, capture rates, etc at every timestep.

Integrator 0: except for capture integrals, all integration is performed using Simpson's rule. This is the default. 1: use Romberg integration for everything except capture integrals. This option has been disabled in the public release as it employs a proprietary integrator, but the user can easily re-enable it with their own version. Look in the file /src/DkStrs_fint_ext.f for more details. 2: use Runge-Kutta for everything except capture integrals. Also disabled; see option 1.


hold_on: the target maximum fractional change in the WIMP population per timestep. This is used to limit the timestep, but can be overridden at certain times, such as in the first few timesteps of any run.

initial_timestep: the length of the first 3 timesteps in the run, in years. The code can be very sensitive to the value of this control, and it can often take a lot of fine tuning of the initial timestep to get a particular model to converge correctly.

timestep_rescale: the scaling factor to apply to the internal STARS timestep chooser. timestep_rescale = 5.5*CDD where CDD is the control factor in the original STARS implementation.

min_timestep: the minimum timestep allowed when a star follows a user-defined orbit given by orbit.dat. This prevents timesteps getting ridiculously small and ruining convergence when e.g. a star is passing through periapsis on a very tight elliptical orbit.

summary_cnt: save log and movie data every summary_cnt timesteps.

stop_at_Model: if positive, this is the model number to stop and save at for later use. There are a number of negative integral values which constitute special stop codes: -4 Stop when the star becomes a dark star (stops in the HR diagram -5 Stop when the star leaves the main sequence -6 Stop when center hydrogen exhausted -7 Stop when helium ignites (not in He flash) -8 Stop when helium burning begins (any way) -9 Stop when central helium depleted -10 Stop when the star either leaves the main sequence or becomes a dark star (halts in the HR diagram). This is just a logical AND of -6 and -4. Any other negative value is interpreted as an indication that the code should not stop and save its state for later use at any particular model number.

max_Age: an age to stop and save at for later use. Negative values are interpreted as an indication that the code should not stop and save its state for later use at any particular stellar age. Should be given in years.

save_filename: the filename to use in the case where the code will save its state for later use.

restore_filename: the filename to restore a previously saved model from. Set this to '' for a new run.

save_freq: The time in days to run between periodic saves. Set this negative to just save at the end (as specified by max_Age or stop_at_Model).

Physical Inputs

mx: the WIMP mass in GeV.

sigsi: the spin-independent WIMP-nucleus scattering cross-section in cm^2.

sigsd: the spin-dependent WIMP-nucleus scattering cross-section in cm^2.

sigann: the velocity-averaged WIMP self-annihilation cross-section, in the limit v->0, in cm^3/s.

nuLossFactor: the final fraction of WIMP annihilation energy lost to neutrinos (dimensionless).

boost_factor: a factor by which capture rates will be artificially multiplied in order to mimic some sort of ignored physical effects (dimensionless).

vd_3d_star: the velocity dispersion of the dark matter halo in km/s.

v_star: the stellar proper velocity through WIMP halo in km/s. Set this negative to obtain this quantity dynamically from orbit.dat.

rhowimp: the local ambient WIMP density in GeV/cm^3. Set this negative to obtain this quantity dynamically from orbit.dat.

galesc: the local galactic escape velocity in km/s. Set this negative to obtain this quantity dynamically from orbit.dat.

galr: the local galactocentric distance of the star in parsecs. Set this negative to obtain this quantity dynamically from orbit.dat.

n_WIMPs: the initial population of WIMPs in the star with which to begin the simulation.

mass: the initial stellar mass, in solar masses. This can be anything from 0.3 to 100.

K0: the value of the Knudsen number at which WIMP energy transport is maximised (dimensionless).

Knudsen_suppression_tau: the relaxation scale for the Knudsen- dependent suppression function (dimensionless)

tau_therm: the WIMP thermalisation timescale in seconds. Set negative to assume that WIMPs automatically thermalise in the star as soon as they are captured. This option is very 'experimental'. Setting it to a positive value forces DarkStars to use only the approximation for the WIMP distribution in the star specified by WIMPdensmode = false, ignore any corrections to the density structure due to a finite WIMP mean-free path, and ignore all WIMP conductive energy transport.


These specify the solar elemental abundances and ratios used for the legacy solar capture mode (accessible only via a logical switch in DkStrs_constants.f), and for determining how the heavy-element abundances rescale with metallicity. Absolute abundances are given in logarithmic units log_10(x/H)+12, where x and H are the number densities of element x and hydrogen respectively, and the abundance of hydrogen is defined as 12. Isotopic ratios are direct ratios of number densities. Most users will have no reason to modify these values from those used in the example file.

solar_C: the solar carbon abundance in logarithmic units.

solar_O: the solar oxygen abundance in logarithmic units.

heavy_abuns: the solar Na, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni & Pb abundances in logarithmic units.

iso_ratios: the solar ratios of He4/He3, C12/C13, O16/O18, Ni58/Ni60, Pb208/Pb207 & Pb208/Pb206.

Advanced options: user-specified orbits

A user can provide an explicit orbit for their star to follow in a file 'orbit.dat' placed in the main_dir directory. Examples of these files are given in DarkStars/orbitdata. The orbit.dat file must begin with an integer giving the total number of points at which the orbit is sampled, followed by a real number specifying the minimum fraction of the orbit over which the code is allowed to assume that the ratio of the ambient WIMP density to the stellar velocity changes monotonically. This is used as an upper limit for timesteps, in order to prevent the code accidentally skipping over transient peaks or troughs in the WIMP density or stellar velocity by choosing a timestep purely on the basis of the current stellar structure. These are then followed by columns specifying the dynamical variables at each sampled point in the orbit. The columns are: time(yr) WIMP density(GeV/cm^2) stellar velocity (km/s) local Galactic escape velocity (km/s) local Galactocentric distance (cm).

In order for the orbit.dat file to be used, at least rhowimp and v_star must be set negative in the input file. If galesc and galr are set positive in the input file, their values in orbit.dat will be ignored in favour of the constant values in the input file. If one of these two quantities is specified as negative in the input file, indicating that it should be determined dynamically from orbit.dat, then the other must be as well - i.e. the only options are all 4 positive all 4 negative rhowimp & v_star negative, galesc & galr positive.

If the final row and the first row in orbit.dat have exactly the same values in all columns except time, then the orbit will loop.

Advanced options: Z = 0 protostellar evolution

In order to run a metal-free protostar evolutionary simulation, the user needs to specify metals_dir = '../metals/z0_proto' and supply a protostellar starting model. In this case, the input 'mass' parameter will be ignored. Starting models can be input via DarkStars/metals/z0_proto/protostar.start. This file contains 199 lines corresponding to the meshpoints located at different heights in the star, and currently contains a 20 solar mass ZAMS starting model as an example (not a Z = 0 model though!). Columns correspond to the values of the following quantities at each meshpoint: ln f (degeneracy parameter) ln T(Kelvin) the abundance (mass fraction) of 16O ln m - mass interior to this meshpoint in units of 10^30kg the abundance of 1H the gradient of the mesh spacing function ln r - the radius in units of 10^9m L - luminosity in units of 10^26W the abundance of 4He the abundance of 12C the abundance of 20Ne

As a related aside, the WIMP distribution inside the star is provided by the routine WIMPdens in EZ/src/DkStrs_WIMPdens.f - this is what must be altered if one wanted to say, allow an adiabatically-contracted density profile instead of a thermalised one.

Advanced options: user-specified velocity distributions

In order to specify their own dark matter velocity distribution, the user need simply write their own function returning the value of their distribution function for some velocity v, and modify the function alt_foverusq in DarkStars/DarkSUSLE/src/cap/dscapfoveru.f to point to it. This distribution can then be called using altveldist = true, with the option also of automatically truncating it at the local escape velocity with chopatvesc = true. Any required renormalisation of the distribution will be taken care of by DarkStars in this case.