
Terraform module which creates Compute resources on Yandex Cloud

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Terraform module for Yandex.Cloud Compute

Terraform module is beta version. Use it at your own risk and check that it does what you want it to do.

Module is fork repositories:


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13


The following guidelines must be followed by all contributors to this repository. Please review them carefully and do not hesitate to ask for help.


The type should always be lowercase as shown below.

Allowed <type> values:

  • breaking: msg (a commit that has the text BREAKING CHANGE: at the beginning of its optional body or footer section introduces a breaking API change)
  • chore: msg (updating build/env/packages, etc; no production code change)
  • ci: msg (changes to our CI configuration files and scripts )
  • docs: msg (changes to documentation)
  • feat: msg (new feature for the user)
  • fix: msg (bug fix for the user, not a fix to build scripts)
  • refactor: msg (refactoring production code, eg. renaming a variable)
  • security: msg (fix security vulnerabilities)
  • style: msg (formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no functional code change)
  • test: msg (adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change)


Single Linux Instance with 2 second disks

Single Linux Instance with 2 second disks

Single Windows Instance

Single Windows Instance


Name Description Type Default Required
allow_stopping_for_update If true, allows Terraform to stop the instance in order to update its properties. If you try to update a property that requires stopping the instance without setting this field, the update will fail. bool false no
core_fraction Baseline performance for a core as a percent number 100 no
cores CPU cores for the instance number 2 no
description Description of the instance string n/a no
folder_id The ID of the folder that the resource belongs to. If it is not provided, the default provider folder is used. string n/a no
hostname Host name for the instance. This field is used to generate the instance fqdn value string n/a yes
https Set to true to connect using HTTPS instead of HTTP for WinRM. string n/a no
image_family Yandex Cloud Compute Image family string n/a yes
insecure Set to true to skip validating the HTTPS certificate chain WinRM. bool false no
instance_count The instance_count meta-argument accepts a whole number, and creates that many instances of the resource or module. number 1 no
ip_address The private IP address to assign to the instance. If empty, the address will be automatically assigned from the specified subnet. number n/a no
is_nat Provide a public address for instance to access the internet over NAT bool false no
labels A set of key/value label pairs to assign to the instance. map(string) {} no
memory Memory size for the instance in GB number 2 no
name Yandex Cloud Compute (VM) name string n/a yes
nat_ip_address Public IP address for instance to access the internet over NAT string "" no
password The password to use for the connection. string n/a no
platform_id The type of virtual machine to create string "standard-v3" no
port The port to connect to. 22 for type "ssh" 5985 or 5986 for type "winrm" string 22 no
preemptible Specifies if the instance is preemptible bool false no
private_key The contents of an SSH key to use for the connection. These can be loaded from a file on disk using the file function. This takes preference over password if provided. string "~/.ssh/id_rsa" no
secondary_disk A list of disks to attach to the instance. The structure is documented below. Note: The allow_stopping_for_update property must be set to true in order to update this structure. map(map(string)) {} no
serial-port-enable Serial-port-enable parameter for metadata number null no
size Size of the boot disk in GB string "10" no
type Type of the boot disk string "network-ssd"
ssh_pubkey SSH public key for access to the instance string "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" no
subnet_id Yandex VPC subnet id string n/a yes
timeout The timeout to wait for the connection to become available. Should be provided as a string (e.g., "30s" or "5m".) string "5m" no
type Type of the boot disk string "network-ssd" no
type_remote_exec The connection type. Valid values are "ssh" and "winrm". Provisioners typically assume that the remote system runs Microsoft Windows when using WinRM. string "ssh" no
user User for access to the instance. If type "winrm", then use Administrator string ubuntu no
user-data User-data parameter for metadata string "" no
zone Yandex Cloud Zone for provisoned resources string n/a no
service_account_id ID of the service account authorized for this instance string n/a no


Name Description
compute_instance_external_ip The external IP address of the instance
compute_instance_fqdn The fully qualified DNS name of this instance
compute_instance_internal_ip The internal IP address of the instance