
Draw 3D objects on your terminal with awk

Primary LanguageAwk

A new project I got into after a colleague challenged me to 'draw more graphs' in my awk one-liners

Well, not really a graph, but it did sattisfy him to see some 3D models bouncing around a terminal.

It can draw 3D models in your terminal, using a model file in the 'models' folder.
A model file understands four types of lines:

  • var <key> <value>
  • col <red>;<green>;&ltblue&gt
  • vert <x-coord> <y-coord> <z-coord>
  • tri <vertex1> <vertex2> <vertex3> [<color>]

The 'var' keyword sets a value to a variable (key). This variable can then be used in the 'vert' and 'edge' definitions

The 'col' keyword defines a 'color' the red, green and blue values range from 0 to 255

The 'vert' keyword defines a 'vertex' (a point in 3D space) with an X, a Y and a Z coordinate

The 'tri' keyword connects three vertices into a triangle (in a certain color)

This is a first attempt to draw things in 3D space, so I hope to spend some more time refining everything

Here's a screenshot:

See youtube for a moving example: https://youtu.be/snj8Nl8pC6E or https://youtu.be/cNM4f10IZWQ