- 1
lipsum uses an internal command of xparse which will disappear in the next latex.
#19 opened by u-fischer - 3
- 0
Native way of adding color
#17 opened by mazunki - 0
- 1
expl3 coding errors
#15 opened by u-fischer - 2
! LaTeX3 Error: File '' not found.
#14 opened by dbitouze - 7
- 2
CTAN upload does not include ins file
#11 opened by moewew - 8
Incorrect behavior in addmargin/adjustwidth
#12 opened by polysyllabic - 3
Update docs
#7 opened by patta42 - 1
Better Tests
#9 opened by patta42 - 0
Use key-val syntax for settings
#10 opened by patta42 - 0
Implement single-item based surrounders
#8 opened by patta42 - 2
space handling
#6 opened by FrankMittelbach - 4
Should \lipsum[1][1-3] drop the \par?
#2 opened by FrankMittelbach - 1
not using regex?
#4 opened by FrankMittelbach - 2
nopar, really?
#5 opened by FrankMittelbach - 4
range determination via xparse?
#3 opened by FrankMittelbach