
Citizen Atlas

Primary LanguagePython


What is Floodlight?

This is the code base behind Floodlight, a powerful story-building website that enables community change makers to inspire action and advance their issues through more substantive, engaging and persuasive data-driven storytelling.

For more information, see http://www.floodlightproject.org/



  • Warning message for long titles (#562)
  • Upgrade jQuery tooltipster plugin (#562)
  • Support for django-registration 1.0 (#786)
  • Clearer account activation behavior (#836)
  • Link to builder for empty story list (#840)


  • Only show one asset content (file, URL, body) input at a time (#767)
  • Fix dataset file replacement in IE8/IE9 (#829)
  • Fix featured image pills in IE8 (#837)


  • Fix rendering of Publish/Share workflow step in IE8/IE9 (#830)


  • Searchable help (#507)
  • Story notification emails (#580)
  • Real-time search index updates that use Haystack 2.0+ APIs (#817)
  • Fix formatting of header on intermediary page in social registration flow (#826)


  • Gracefully handle parse errors when trying to generate thumbnail from HTML asset (#814)


  • Updated asset help (#641)


  • Show embedded Google Charts in builder (#187)
  • More prominent confirmation messages (#533)
  • Resize sharing widget with textarea (#545)
  • Switch to section help from container help when drawer is closed (#641)
  • Show suggested summary, section titles and call to action as placeholders (#722)
  • Remove in-place editing of captions (#765)
  • Header always visible as section scrolls in viewer (#772)
  • Fix editing of image-based assets (#794)
  • Show suggested section title in section list for untitled sections (#798)
  • Render non-oEmbed URL-based chart assets using an img tag (#803)
  • Fix scaling of images and containers in viewer (#807)
  • Ability to filter stories in admin based on whether or not they're used as a template (#808)


  • Associate datasets with assets instead of the story (#583, #760)
  • Progress bar for asset and dataset file uploads (#732)
  • "Get the Data" button on story detail page to make datasets more prominent (#733)
  • Show HTML-based assets as icons in asset drawer (#770)
  • Properly handle click of chevron in next/previous buttons in viewer (#785)


  • Workaround for page width getting truncated in mobile Safari (#774)


  • Fix broken viewer in IE < 9 due to lack of support for Array.indexOf (#766)


  • Fix behavior and display of assets when dragging from unused asset drawer (#746)
  • Fix removal of assets after switching workflow steps (#764)


  • Wrap long URLs on organization and project detail pages (#759)


  • Only show character count warning for summary (#673)


  • Fix restriction of asset types in templates (#763)


  • Support latest version of Tastypie (#614)
  • Preserve file type when creating thumbnails (#726)
  • Support replacing uploaded image assets (#738)
  • Don't automatically add linebreaks to story summary (#740)


  • Make viewer header not be position:fixed (#684)
  • Prevent wrapping in header-right menu (#702)
  • Wrap Backbone modules in self-executing anonymous functions (#710)
  • Update thumbnail view lookup keys when initial sections are first saved (#725)
  • Fix race condition on initial save (#728)
  • Invalidate cached places list when story's places are updated (#730)
  • Remove dependency on Namespace.js


  • Fix race condition when updating Solr index when a section is removed (#723)


  • Fix table of contents elements (#715)


  • Fix table of contents toggling (#709)


  • Add ability to close alerts before they fade out
  • Avoid duplicate alert messages
  • Move search bar to top of map in explorer (#559)
  • Fix scrolling of asset drawer (#692)
  • Supress builder tour when user clicks the "X" icon (#697)
  • More subtle response when story is saved (#548)


  • Wire up links to detail view of news items in homepage slider (#703)


  • Use mock geocoder in tests unless user explicitely specifies a geocoder in the settings (#700)


  • Prevent assigning multiple assets to the same section/container (#595)
  • Prevent submitting the builder asset creation form when either a file or URL has not been specified (#606)
  • Add display of connected story featured images in viewer (#610)
  • Add weight field to Story model and sort latest stories by this field (#625)
  • Sort latest projects and latest organizations lists by published timestamp (#625)
  • Sort projects in the projects list view by published timestamp (#625)
  • Show asset views after switching between workflow steps (#696)


  • Fix positioning of builder workflow step tabs (#695)


  • Properly dehydrate related fields when they haven't been cached (#566)


  • Properly evaluate logged-in-user when previewing stories (#690)


  • Fix regression where section list width was being incorrectly set for newly created stories (#556)


  • Maintain section list height, even when there are a large number of sections (#556)


  • Fix connected story links in viewer in modal IFRAME (#487)


  • Don't write to browser history when opening viewer in modal IFRAME (#487)


  • Escape JSON when output inside <script> tags (#658)



  • Fix duplicate CSS being included in builder


  • Prevent saving multiple assets to the same section and container (#535)
  • Quote styles in viewer (#565)
  • Make placeholder behavior in builder form fields more consistent (#616)
  • Use django-compressor to compress and version static assets (#624)
  • Add space to content in viewer to accomdate bottom bar (#627)
  • Fix alignment of builder toolbar icons in Chrome >= 0.25 (#649)
  • Do better housekeeping of Backbone views for asset editing (#671)


  • Wired in home page banner (#198)
  • Better cleanup of Select2 instances on Explore page (#480)
  • Made link and button colors consistent across the site (#514)
  • Move "View all stories" button higher up on project and organization detail pages (#531)
  • Make "My Account" menu consistent in the sidebar and megamenu (#544)
  • Make titles in Explore view left-justified (#576)
  • Include count and link to connected stories in homepage featured slider and explore pasge (#629)
  • Apphook to connect news items feed to a CMS page (#646)
  • High-level query API for stories
  • Implemented a reusable menu class and template tag for rendering menus
  • (Mostly) remove hard-coded URLs from navigation
  • Factor navigation menus into separate templates


  • Use Django 1.4's signature for PasswordResetForm.save (#661)


  • Allow superusers to open any story in builer (#657)


  • Only log JavaScript errors to the server once (#635)


  • Workaround for multiple assets per section container issue (#534, #535)


  • Fix width of builder section list in Chrome (#648)


  • Ability to add Teasers to CMS Pages


  • Properly register backport i18n tag library.


  • Hide error popup for uncaught JavaScript exceptions (#634)


  • Log uncaught JavaScript exceptions to the server (#623)


  • Wait until viewer images are loaded before resizing containers and captions (#622)


  • Show error message on uncaught JavaScript exceptions (#623)


  • Add support for Django 1.4.* and Django CMS 2.3.* (see docs/upgrading.rst)
  • Improved asset type selection user interface (#381)
  • Simplified flow in the publish/share step of the story builder (#515, #590)
  • Use the site-wide sharing widget in the publish/share step of the builder (#515)
  • Set default featured image in the builder (#515)
  • Improved user interface for featured image selection in the builder (#515)
  • Story viewer is navigated one page at a time. (#518)
  • Builder story summary editor has a character counter and warning when character limit is hit (#530)
  • Update and save the story slug when it's initially published (#596)
  • Cleanly handle errors and cache response from upstream Creative Commons license API (#605)
  • "View" button in publish/share step goes to the story viewer and not the detail page (#612)
  • Update Backbone to version 0.9.10 and Underscore to version 1.4.3
  • Update dependency version of django-notification to 1.0 (see docs/upgrading.rst)


  • Fixed clobbering of connected story relations when editing a seed story (#611)


  • Added link to connected stories in "Latest Stories" list on homepage (#609)


  • Fix preview connected stories (#601)
  • Fix display of connected story byline (#607)
  • Hide connected stories in latest story list and make their detail and viewer views inaccessible (#609)


  • Fix for #599 (Home page featured image scaling)


  • Fix for #146 (Story section list should advance one thumbnail at a time instead of being a continuous scroll)
  • Fix for #245 (Placeholders getting cut off in tag view in builder)
  • Fix for #417 (Cannot load a previously saved story in builder when accessing through a hash-based URL)
  • Fix for #320 (Tools tips on filters on Explore page obscure the drop-down list)
  • Fix for #465 (Clean up builder table of contents scroll arrows)
  • Basic in-browser integration tests for builder
  • Redesigned template selection view in builder (#383)
  • Added a subtle border around images and videos in the story viewer (#520)
  • Updated home page layout and ability for users to edit home page news items (#433, #567)
  • Moved layout selector widget in builder (#442)
  • Use CSS to "crop" thumbnail images in various templates


  • Embedded story widget height attribute needs a 'px'


  • Fix for #231 (When adding a link in Story Builder text editor "OK" and "Cancel" buttons need to be more prominent)
  • Fix for #271 (builder.css has some JS output as selector)
  • More prominent social signup/login buttons (#347)
  • More visible Summary and Call To Action sections in story viewer (#369)
  • Fix for #415 (Builder tour popup falls off screen in Internet Explorer)
  • Polyfill for input placeholders in Internet Explorer (#416)
  • Users can make a request to create a new Organization (#458)
  • Users can make a request to create a new Project (#463)
  • Fix for #486 (Call to action overlaps with sharing information on story detail page)
  • Usability improvements for adding story sections in the builder (#506)
  • Ability to view the builder tour again (#508)
  • Usability improvements for modal story viewer (#519)
  • Fix for #546 (Incorrect Open Graph meta tags for Project and Organization detail pages and filtered Explore page)
  • Fix for #557 (Build step help is shown for other steps)


  • #237 - Fix builder last saved date in Internet Explorer
  • #435 - Sans-serif body fonts
  • #448 - s/Communication Preferences/Notifications and Subscriptions/
  • #451 - Use museo for headers in story viewer
  • #452 - Normalize font sizes in viewer
  • #459 - Embedable widget for stories
  • #460 - Change story publication status in "My Stories" view
  • #461 - Public profile with story lists for each user
  • #464 - Full-text search for stories
  • #475 - Consistent share widget that wraps AddThis widgets and embed code
  • #485 - Cleaned up table styling in "My Stories" view
  • #490/#532 - Remove italics in form inputs
  • #491 - Fix missing save button in builder in Internet Explorer
  • #493 - IndexError in admin when adding a Project or Organization
  • #498 - s/Sponsoring Organizations/Contributing Organizations/
  • #500 - Make "Home" link in footer active
  • #546 - Fix OpenGraph tags for projects and organizations

On the shoulders of giants

This project includes a number of excellent open-source libraries: