⚠️ Deprecated

Use instead: https://patternplate.github.io/

patternplate-transform-less stability

npm version Travis branch Appveyor branch

Process LESS with patternplate.


npm install --save patternplate-transform-less


Tell patternplate to load the less transform

// configuration/patternplate-server/transforms.js
module.exports = {
	less: {
		inFormat: 'less',
		outFormat: 'css',
		opts: {
			// pass less options here.

Use the configured transform for pattern format transformation

// configuration/patternplate-server/patterns.js
module.exports = {
	formats: {
		less: {
			transforms: ['less']

Less plugins

Install less plugins separately and configure them in the less transform options under the plugins key:

npm install --save less-plugin-autoprefix
// configuration/patternplate-server/transforms.js
module.exports = {
	less: {
		inFormat: 'less',
		outFormat: 'css',
		plugins: {
			autoprefix: {
				enabled: true // load less-plugin-autoprefix,
				opts: { // pass .opts as options into the plugin constructor
					browsers: ['last 2 version']

See also

Copyright 2016 by SinnerSchrader Deutschland GmbH and contributors. Released under the MIT license.