
A fully fledged pipeline to automate livestream clip production and distrobution

Primary LanguagePython

A weapon to surpass metal gear

TODO features:

  • Automated clip creation via ffmpeg
  • Auto-upload to Youtube
  • Discord Bot integration
  • Chat stats page (Statsuki)

Far off features:

  • Automated hard-subbing via YT captions and ffmpeg
  • Combine clips into compilation videos
  • NND style chat overlay
  • View whole chat for a VOD

How to Run (development):


To run the serverside code, run go install on all required library names (can be copied from the import statement w/o quotes). Once all the required libraries are installed, run go run main.go.


For frontend development, first run the server in a seperate terminal. Once the server is running, you can run npm run start in the frontend/client folder to spin up a react development server.

The backend server runs on port :8080, while the React development server runs on port :3000. Developing the frontend using localhost:3000 will allow you to use the built-in React development tools and get instant updates.

How to build for Release:


Before running the server, set pathvars DBUSER and DBPASS accordingly. Once set, exectute go build main.go.


Inside the frontend/client folder, run npm run build. This will compile the client into a single index.html file and webpack it. The contents of build should be ready to serve over :8080.
