
Simple android maths game where user scores 5 points per correct answer, within a time limit of 60 seconds

Primary LanguageJava


Android game developed while self-learning android app development. The game basically randomly generates Maths addition questions and a result. The user has to verify whether the result is correct or wrong. If the user verifies the result correctly, he/she gains 5 points. The game ends when the countdown timer from (60seconds) runs out.

Key Learning Pointers:

  1. User Interface Development (Total of 3 Activities)
  2. View and View Group Management
  3. Use of both Explicit and Implicit Intent Implementations
  4. Developing a Countdown Timer
  5. Developing a Score Updater

Refference: https://www.cheezycode.com/p/android.html

Main Activity: This is the screen which shows up upon app startup Main_Screen

Share Button Pressed: On the main screen when share is pressed, implicit intent is is implemented ShareButton

Game Activity: During game play, this screen is shown. Timer, Score, Question and Result values get updated GameScreen

Score Activity: Upon the end of game, the final score is displayed on this screen ScoreScreen