Steps to run it in local.
First, create the virtual environment with virtualenv
. If you have not installed it, you can do it using pip
, with the next command: pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
Once you are inside the virtual environment, install the required packages:
pip install -r .\requirements.txt
Add this code fragment to env/Lib/site-packages/djongo/
def conditional_expression_supported_in_where_clause(self, expression):
return False
Then, we need to specify the credentials for the environmental variables. For that we need to copy the .env.sample
file and complete the data there:
cp .env.sample .env
nano .env
The fields that have to be completed are the next ones:
DJANGO_DEBUG=changeme(1/0) // 1 for Debug=True & 0 for Debug=False
DB_NAME=changeme // Database name
DB_CLIENT=changeme // Database client url for MongoDB
SECRET_KEY=changeme // Secret key for the Django project
CSRF_TRUSTED=changeme // Deployment domain for trusted form
Anyway, to work locally, we can specify Django to use local settings. For that, we need to change the next line of the files and
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'app.settings.local')
To conclude, make the necessary migrations and the database will be created:
python .\ makemigrations
python .\ migrate