
JavaScript Photo Gallery by CodebaseMentor


This is an image gallery project with a modal feature. Your task is to fix these issues:

  1. Implement the functionality to display the clicked image in a modal
  2. Add modal navigation button functionality for moving between images
  3. Add functionality to close the modal when the close button is clicked and when clicking the modal background
  4. Disable the navigation buttons when the first or last image is displayed

Learning Objectives

You will learn and gain experience with:

  • Adding event listeners in JavaScript
  • Implementing modal functionality with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Manipulating DOM elements and updating their properties
  • Conditionally disabling buttons based on application state

How to start working

  1. Fork this repo and clone it locally.
  2. Open index.html in your browser to see the current state of the project.
  3. Fix all the issues (hints are provided as TODO comments in the code)
  4. Once all your solutions are complete, create a single Pull Request to this repository
  5. Check if your solutions passes our automated tests. You need to create an account on CodebaseMentor (free of charge) to do this.

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