
Repository for coding challenge with Python

Primary LanguagePython

Coding Challenges

The goal of this repository is to improve Python programming skills with a coding challenge. The implementation of these challenges follows the methodology of Test-Driven Development, i.e.:

- Think about tests cases
- Write the tests
- Implement the code
- Test
- Refactoring
- Test again until all tests pass
  1. Capital Indexes
  2. Middle Letter
  3. Online Status
  4. Randomness
  5. Type Check
  6. Double Letters
  7. Adding and Removing Dots
  8. Counting Syllables
  9. Anagrams
  10. Flatten a List
  11. Min-maxing
  12. Divisible by 3
  13. Tic tac toe input
  14. Palindrome
  15. Up and down
  16. Consecutive zeros
  17. All equal
  18. Boolean and
  19. Writing short code
  20. Custom zip
  21. Solution validation
  22. List xor
  23. Counting parameters
  24. Thousands separator
  25. Who likes it?
  26. Printer Errors
  27. Highest Scoring Word
  28. Missing Term in an Arithmetic Progression
  29. Weird String Case
  30. Don't Drink the Water
  31. Are they the "same"?
  32. Rot13 Encoding
  33. Help the bookseller
  34. Sort the odd
  35. Moving Zeros to the End
  36. RGB to Hex Conversion
  37. Character Counter
  38. Length of missing array
  39. First non-repeating character
  40. Verify DNA sequence
  41. The Hashtag Generator
  42. Most Frequently Used Words in a Text
  43. Unique by Order
  44. Isograms
  45. Moving Zeros To The End
  46. Mean Square Error