
Simple glossary management for R/Rmd

Primary LanguageR


This small script allows the management of simple glossaries.


This script depends on the following packages:



Load and create a glossary

glossary <- create_glossary()

Add terms in the glossary

   "Unique Molecular Identifier. Each PCR primer is associated to a UMI to identify PCR duplicates when quantifying the transcripts. Therefore the number of counts corresponds to the number of UMI which is the quantification measure per feature."

Synonyms can also be provided:

   "Genes coded by mitochondrial genome. MT (%) corresponds to the percentage of UMI corresponding to mitochondrial genes."
glossary$add_synonyms("MT", "MT (%)")

Showing the glossary

  • glossary$get_table() returns the glossary tibble
  • glossary$view() shows the glossary in a reactable

Get definitions

The following function is used to get the definitions of terms of interest. It’s case insensitive and support plurals by default.

glossary$get_definitions(c("mt", "UMIs"))
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   Term  Definition                                                      Synonyms
##   <chr> <chr>                                                           <list>  
## 1 mt    Genes coded by mitochondrial genome. MT (%) corresponds to the… <chr [2…
## 2 UMIs  Unique Molecular Identifier. Each PCR primer is associated to … <chr [1…

In an markdown or html document, the definitions can be shown in tooltips using the glossary$get_html_definitions() function. For example: UMIs. CSS style can be customized using the style parameter (Unfortunately, CSS are not rendered in GitHub markdown as it is a part of the sanitization process).

To make it easier to use in an Rmd document in RStudio this function can be copied in a function with a shorter name such as:

td <- glossary$get_html_definitions

And then the following markdown snippet can be added in RStudio (Edit Snippets button in Global Options -> Code):

snippet td
    `r${2} td(${1})`