A list of resources on XP technical practices that I found interesting on my continuous journey learning, reflecting and coaching them.
- Clean Agile: Back to Basics, Chapter 5 Technical Practices, by Robert C. Martin.
- 5 reasons why eXtreme Programming isn’t popular, Joshua Partogi https://medium.com/agility-path/5-reasons-why-extreme-programming-isnt-popular-83790418b901 [...XP is a good model for software delivery but unfortunately, the world is not necessarily attracted to what is ideal. What should happen in the software industry is not what actually happens ...]
- The Tragedy of Craftsmanship, Robert Martin https://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2018/08/28/CraftsmanshipMovement.html [... all we need are people of goodwill – individuals who interact and collaborate – communities of professionals who work to promote change by steadily adding value ...]
- XP in the 21st Century, Rachel Davies https://youtu.be/IDKJJDiK3Gw [Rachel talks about XP methodology in the year 2015 with examples of the software development culture in her organization.]
- Extreme Programming, Matteo Vaccari (14/3/2014) https://www.slideshare.net/xpmatteo/extreme-programming-32324409
- Test Driven Development: By Example, Kent Beck
- TDD by Jason Gorman.
- Common Patterns that make TDD harder: An essay from practitioners, Matheus Marabesi and Emmanuel Valverde https://info.codurance.com/tdd-anti-patterns-ebook
- Test Driven Development - TDD, How to effectively apply TDD in Software Development?, Codurance https://www.codurance.com/test-driven-development-guide
- What is TDD, Agilitest, https://www.agilitest.com/cards/tdd. (nice diagram on relationship between ATDD and TDD).
- Research on How Effective Is Test-Driven Development?, chapter 12 in the book Making Software by Andy Oram, Greg Wilson.
- The three rules of TDD, Robert C. Martin http://butunclebob.com/ArticleS.UncleBob.TheThreeRulesOfTdd
- Do More With Baby-Steps TDD, Oleksii Fedorov http://www.tddfellow.com/blog/2016/10/19/do-more-with-baby-steps-tdd/
- Why do You Want Me to Write Bad Code, David Tanzer https://www.davidtanzer.net/david's%20blog/tdd/2018/08/21/why_do_you_want_me_to_write_wrong_code.html
- The Mysterious Art Of Triangulation, Jason Gorman http://codemanship.co.uk/parlezuml/blog/?postid=1157
- Read The Transformation Priority Premise, Robert C. Martin https://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2013/05/27/TheTransformationPriorityPremise.html
- Don't Measure Unit Test Code Coverage, James Shore https://www.jamesshore.com/Blog/Dont-Measure-Unit-Test-Code-Coverage.html
- Double Loop: TDD & BDD Done Right, Jessica Mauerhan https://jmauerhan.wordpress.com/talks/double-loop-tdd-bdd-done-right/
- Test-Driven Development with Green Bar Patterns, Christoph Baudson https://blog.baudson.de/blog/test-driven-development-green-bar-patterns
- What TDD Is and Is Not, Erik Dietrich https://daedtech.com/what-tdd-is-and-is-not
- A Set of Unit Testing Rules, Michael Feathers (09/09/2005) https://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=126923
- Software Contracts Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Releasing. Seb Rose. SCL Conf 2019. https://youtu.be/NW9Ne6aC_Dk
- The 3 Laws of TDD: Focus on One Thing at a Time, Jon Reid https://qualitycoding.org/3-laws-tdd/
- “Episode 6: TDD” of Clean Coders, Robert Martin https://cleancoders.com/episode/clean-code-episode-6-p1/show
- The World's Best Intro to TDD, J. B. Rainsberger
- What Is TDD and Why It Is Not Unit Testing: Executive Briefing" by Amy Dredge. [32 min course that can help non-engineers (executives/managers) to understand what is TDD]
- Jason Gorman https://codemanship.co.uk/tdd.html
- Jon Reid https://qualitycoding.org/services/tdd-workshop
- Technical debt 101, Maiz Lulkin (22/06/2014) https://medium.com/@joaomilho/festina-lente-e29070811b84
- Refactoring a javascript video store, Martin Fowler (18/05/2016) http://martinfowler.com/articles/refactoring-video-store-js
- Primitive Obsession, David Tanzer https://www.devteams.at/2019/02/04/primitive-obsession.html
- Refactoring, a Whole-Team Guide, Bill Wake https://xp123.com/articles/refactoring-whole-team-guide [excellent introduction]
- Debt Metaphor, Ward Cunningham (2009) https://youtu.be/pqeJFYwnkjE
- Workflows of Refactoring, Martin Fowler (2014) https://youtu.be/vqEg37e4Mkw
- Escaping the Technical Debt Cycle, Michael Feathers (2014) https://youtu.be/7hL6g1aTGvo
- Refactoring, 2nd Ed. A love story. Michael Hunger. https://www.slideshare.net/jexp/refactoring-2nd-edition
- Catalog of Refactorings, Refactoring Guru https://refactoring.guru/catalog
- Code Smells, Refactoring Guru https://refactoring.guru/smells
- Test Driven Development vs Behavior Driven Development, Dave Farley https://youtu.be/Bq_oz7nCNUA [Most people think of BDD and TDD as having distinctly different focusses in an effective automated testing strategy. In fact they are more closely related than many people think.]
- The Four Elements of Simple Design, J.B. Rainsberger https://blog.jbrains.ca/permalink/the-four-elements-of-simple-design
- On Pair Programming. Birgitta Böckeler and Nina Siessegger. https://martinfowler.com/articles/on-pair-programming.html
- Rethinking Pair Programming, Sandro Mancuso (15/03/2015) https://codurance.com/2015/03/15/rethinking-pair-programming
- Pair Programming Is No Panacea, Wes Higbee (09/05/2016) https://www.infoq.com/articles/pair-programming-no-panacea
- Life After Pair Programming, Jay Fields (30/08/2011) blog.jayfields.com/2011/08/life-after-pair-programming.html
- Pair Programming – The Most Extreme XP Practice?, Dave Farley http://www.davefarley.net/?p=214
- Pair Programming for Introverts, Dave Farley http://www.davefarley.net/?p=267
- 21 ways to hate pair programming, William Pietri http://agilefocus.com/2009/01/06/21-ways-to-hate-pair-programming/
- To Pair or Not to Pair: Pair Programming. Birgitta Böckeler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_eZ-ae2FY8
- How Mob Programming Will Make You More Effective, Fagner Brack (12/10/2017) https://medium.com/@fagnerbrack/590a1b7e0418
- User Story Mapping, Jeff Patton https://youtu.be/AzBuohuOU6g [Excellent definition of User Stories and its origin as well as an introduction to User Story Mapping.]
- The Coding Dojo Handbook, Emily Bache
- An illustrated guide to start your team coding dojo, Philippe Bourgau
- Technical Agile-Coaching with the Samman method, Emily Bache
- Software Profession Resources, Mob Mentality https://trello.com/b/1lfMkCOh