
Kata to practice Outside-In TDD using a microservice with REST API

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Kata to practice outside-in TDD with double loop.

The idea is let TDD to guide us through architecture and domain design in a more realistic and day to day context, a microservices environment.

This Kata is based on https://github.com/albertllousas/supermarket-tdd-rest-kata and originally inspired on supermarket code kata

Kata description

The application has already a list of products with their prices accessible through the API endpoint GET http://localhost:8080/products. Data is stored in H2 database.

SKU     Price   Description 
  A      2.00     Milk 
  B      4.00     Orange Juice
  C      3.50     Chocolate
  D      1.00     Banana

We are going to implement a supermarket checkout, that basically calculates the total price given a list of products a customer have on the cart.

And these are the expected input/outputs for the app.

For the following API call:

curl --request POST http://localhost:8080/checkout \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{ skus: ["A","B","A","B","A","A","A"] }' \

The output should be 201 CREATED with body:

  "total": 18.00


  • Rule: Write prod code in terms of architecture and domain
  • SKUs are Stock keeping units
  • Should respond with 204 for an empty cart request, { "skus": [] }

Have fun!

Where to start

We have provided the exercise with the acceptance test already set up, we don't want to waste time designing an API.

So jump here and start coding.


  • How to handle non-existent SKU?
  • Introduce a discount system, choose one:
    • 2x1 in some products
    • Discount codes, % per total

Run the tests

The most convenient way of running the tests is directly from your IDE. They can also be run from the console using Gradle.

gradlew.bat test  // on Windows
./gradlew test    // on Linux

Starting the application

gradlew.bat bootRun // on Windows
./gradlew bootRun   // on Linux

Try the existing list products endpoint with the following command:

curl --request GET http://localhost:8080/products

Useful links