Kata to practice outside-in TDD with double loop.
The idea is let TDD to guide us through architecture and domain design in a more realistic and day to day context, a microservices environment.
This Kata is based on https://github.com/albertllousas/supermarket-tdd-rest-kata and originally inspired on supermarket code kata
The application has already a list of products with their prices accessible through the API endpoint GET http://localhost:8080/products
. Data is stored in H2 database.
SKU Price Description
A 2.00 Milk
B 4.00 Orange Juice
C 3.50 Chocolate
D 1.00 Banana
We are going to implement a supermarket checkout, that basically calculates the total price given a list of products a customer have on the cart.
And these are the expected input/outputs for the app.
For the following API call:
curl --request POST http://localhost:8080/checkout \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ skus: ["A","B","A","B","A","A","A"] }' \
The output should be 201 CREATED
with body:
"total": 18.00
- Rule: Write prod code in terms of architecture and domain
- SKUs are Stock keeping units
- Should respond with 204 for an empty cart request,
{ "skus": [] }
Have fun!
We have provided the exercise with the acceptance test already set up, we don't want to waste time designing an API.
So jump here and start coding.
- How to handle non-existent SKU?
- Introduce a discount system, choose one:
- 2x1 in some products
- Discount codes, % per total
The most convenient way of running the tests is directly from your IDE. They can also be run from the console using Gradle.
gradlew.bat test // on Windows
./gradlew test // on Linux
gradlew.bat bootRun // on Windows
./gradlew bootRun // on Linux
Try the existing list products endpoint with the following command:
curl --request GET http://localhost:8080/products