
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🎧 47Music Player 🎧

A Powerful and Simple Telegram Bot
that can play songs & videos in Telegram group voice chats

Music Player

✨ Heroku Deploy

Change the app region to Europe (it will help to make the bot stable)


🏃‍♂ Pyrogram Session


🛠 Config Vars

  1. API_ID : Assistant account Telegram API_ID, get it from my.telegram.org
  2. API_HASH : Assistant account Telegram API_HASH, get it from my.telegram.org
  3. BOT_TOKEN : Your Telegram bot token, get it from @BotFather
  4. SESSION_NAME : Pyrogram session string of assistant account
  5. OWNER_ID : Your Telegram ID

ℹ️ Commands

Command Description
/play play the given query or YouTube link as audio
/video play the given query or YouTube link as video
/pause pause the audio stream
/resume resume the audio stream
/mute mute the userbot
/unmute unmute the userbot
/stop stop streaming and remove the userbot from the call
/restart restart the bot

❤️ Support


📄 License

Distributed under the MIT Licence. See LICENSE.md for more information.