
This project was generated with wemake-django-template. Current template version is: 85e91cdc9ac0f1d35b81f37bc7da170ce746d521. See what is updated since then.

wemake.services wemake-python-styleguide

What does this app do?

This app surves one main purpose: show pictures and save your favoirutes ones.

To do that we also have supporting features, like:

  • User registration and login / logout mechanics
  • Integration with other external "services"
  • Admin panel
  • All the required infrastructure code: including CI/CD and build scripts

We also care about:

  • Code quality
  • Naming conventions
  • Architecture
  • Typing
  • Tooling


See https://github.com/sobolevn/testing_homework/blob/master/docs/pages/project/glossary.rst


You will need:

  • python3.9 (see pyproject.toml or .python-version for full version)
  • postgresql with version 13
  • docker with version at least 18.02


When developing locally, we use:


Full documentation is available here: docs/.