- 2
JDK 11 is not supported
#34 opened by YueZhaoDreams - 1
- 3
Support Java 8+ in JavadocParanamer
#39 opened by mjustin - 4
Unidentified license issue
#36 opened by Calin-Grebles - 0
The following license reference: "Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to <a href="../../../relnotes/license.html">license terms</a>." is found on the following files:
#35 opened by Calin-Grebles - 3
Does not work for interface method.
#33 opened by wangjian1106 - 5
can i copy your code for tio
#32 opened by tywo45 - 1
Is paranamer supposed to work on Android ?
#31 opened by om26er - 4
paranamer with gradle
#30 opened by rils - 1
Update to QDox 2.0-M5
#29 opened by puntogil - 0
Is ParaNamer compatible with Java8?
#28 opened by kobe2000 - 1
Unable to download 2.5.6 using sbt
#23 opened by ulejon - 3
Please update documentation: BytecodeReadingParanamer does not work for Interfaces
#19 opened by rwitzel - 8
- 5
Please consider to tag new releases (Github has 2.3 but latest version is 2.15)
#18 opened by apoleon - 5
Release latest changes to maven central
#22 opened by muminc - 9
The BytecodeReadingParanamer throws an Exception in Java8 when the class contains lambda expressions
#17 opened by stephanebastian - 1
javapan - jsr269 - eclipse compatibility
#7 opened by maxxedev - 7
CachingParanamer is not thread safe
#8 opened by brharrington - 8
- 4
- 1