
This is a collection of my reading notes from my Code Fellows coursework.

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Reading Notes

This website is the central hub of all notes I have taken during my coursework at Code Fellows. Notes are broken down based on class and reading assignment. The notes offer a summary of the material covered in the textbooks and other resources. I hope they prove a helpful resource to you.

Code 102 - Intro to Software Development

  1. Reading 1: Growth Mindset
  2. Reading 2: Coder's Computer
  3. Reading 3: Revisions in the Cloud
  4. Reading 4: Structure Web Pages with HTML
  5. Reading 5: Design web pages with CSS
  6. Reading 6a: Dynamic web pages with JavaScript
  7. Reading 6b: Computer Architecture and Logic
  8. Reading 7: Programming with JavaScript
  9. Reading 8: Operators and Loops

Code 201 - Foundations of Software Development

  1. Reading 1: Introductory HTML and JavaScript
  2. Reading 2: Basics of HTML CSS JS
  3. Reading 3: HTML Lists, CSS Boxes, JS Control Flow
  4. Reading 4: HTML Links, CSS Layout, JS Functions
  5. Reading 5: Images, Color, Text
  6. Reading 6: JS Object Literals; The DOM
  7. Reading 7: HTML Tables; JS Constructor Functions
  8. Reading 8: More CSS Layout
  9. Reading 9: Forms and Events
  10. Reading 10: JS Debugging
  11. Reading 11: Audio, Video, Images
  12. Reading 12: Docs for the HTML Element & Chart.js
  13. Reading 13: Local Storage

Code 301 - Intermediate Software Development

  2. jQuery, Events, The DOM, and Pair Programming
  3. Flexbox and Templating
  4. Responsive Web Design and Regular Expressions
  5. Heroku Deployment
  6. Node, Express, and APIs
  7. APIs and REST
  8. SQL
  9. Refactoring and Functional Programming
  10. The Call Stack and Debugging
  11. Embedded JavaScript (EJS)
  12. EJS Partials
  13. Update/Delete & Sending Form Data
  14. Database Normalization
  15. Diversity and Inclusion

Code 401 - Advanced Software Development (in progress)

  1. Assorted Resources to Get Us Going!
  2. Testing and Modules
  3. FileIO & Exceptions
  4. Classes and Objects; Thinking Recursively; Pytest Fixtures and Coverage
  5. Linked Lists
  6. Random Numbers and Big O (Game of Greed 1)
  7. Python Scope and Big O
  8. List Comprehensions (Game of Greed 3)
  9. Dunder Methods and Statistics-Probability (Game of Greed 4)
  10. Stacks and Queues
  11. Data Analysis (Jupyter Lab and Numpy)
  12. Pandas
  13. Trees
  14. Linear Regressions
  15. Data Visualization
  16. Web Scraping
  17. Automation
  18. Intro to Django
  19. Django Models
  20. Django CRUD and Forms
  21. Django Custom User
  22. Hash Tables
  23. Django REST Framework & Docker
  24. Permissions & Postgresql
  25. Authentication & Production Server
  26. API Deployment
  27. Machine Learning Intro
  28. Cryptography
  29. DSA Review
  30. React 1
  31. React 2
  32. React 3: NextJS
  33. React 4: NextJS
  34. Graphs
  35. Pythonisms
  36. Ethics in Tech
  37. Open-Source Software

About Me

Thank you for visiting my page of notes. I hope they were helpful to you. Please also check out my GitHub portfolio page.

After graduating with a mechanical engineering degree from Missouri University of Science and Technology 13 years ago, I moved out to Seattle and started work at Boeing. While there, I worked in airplane modifications, flight test, and flight controls design engineering. I am super excited to return to a rich learning environment and gain some new software development skills. I plan to complete the full course path ending with a specialty in Python. I enjoy spending time outside by camping and hiking or having a beer at a brewery with friends (when that is a thing again).