This website is the central hub of all notes I have taken during my coursework at Code Fellows. Notes are broken down based on class and reading assignment. The notes offer a summary of the material covered in the textbooks and other resources. I hope they prove a helpful resource to you.
- Reading 1: Growth Mindset
- Reading 2: Coder's Computer
- Reading 3: Revisions in the Cloud
- Reading 4: Structure Web Pages with HTML
- Reading 5: Design web pages with CSS
- Reading 6a: Dynamic web pages with JavaScript
- Reading 6b: Computer Architecture and Logic
- Reading 7: Programming with JavaScript
- Reading 8: Operators and Loops
- Reading 1: Introductory HTML and JavaScript
- Reading 2: Basics of HTML CSS JS
- Reading 3: HTML Lists, CSS Boxes, JS Control Flow
- Reading 4: HTML Links, CSS Layout, JS Functions
- Reading 5: Images, Color, Text
- Reading 6: JS Object Literals; The DOM
- Reading 7: HTML Tables; JS Constructor Functions
- Reading 8: More CSS Layout
- Reading 9: Forms and Events
- Reading 10: JS Debugging
- Reading 11: Audio, Video, Images
- Reading 12: Docs for the HTML Element & Chart.js
- Reading 13: Local Storage
- jQuery, Events, The DOM, and Pair Programming
- Flexbox and Templating
- Responsive Web Design and Regular Expressions
- Heroku Deployment
- Node, Express, and APIs
- APIs and REST
- Refactoring and Functional Programming
- The Call Stack and Debugging
- Embedded JavaScript (EJS)
- EJS Partials
- Update/Delete & Sending Form Data
- Database Normalization
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Assorted Resources to Get Us Going!
- Testing and Modules
- FileIO & Exceptions
- Classes and Objects; Thinking Recursively; Pytest Fixtures and Coverage
- Linked Lists
- Random Numbers and Big O (Game of Greed 1)
- Python Scope and Big O
- List Comprehensions (Game of Greed 3)
- Dunder Methods and Statistics-Probability (Game of Greed 4)
- Stacks and Queues
- Data Analysis (Jupyter Lab and Numpy)
- Pandas
- Trees
- Linear Regressions
- Data Visualization
- Web Scraping
- Automation
- Intro to Django
- Django Models
- Django CRUD and Forms
- Django Custom User
- Hash Tables
- Django REST Framework & Docker
- Permissions & Postgresql
- Authentication & Production Server
- API Deployment
- Machine Learning Intro
- Cryptography
- DSA Review
- React 1
- React 2
- React 3: NextJS
- React 4: NextJS
- Graphs
- Pythonisms
- Ethics in Tech
- Open-Source Software
Thank you for visiting my page of notes. I hope they were helpful to you. Please also check out my GitHub portfolio page.
After graduating with a mechanical engineering degree from Missouri University of Science and Technology 13 years ago, I moved out to Seattle and started work at Boeing. While there, I worked in airplane modifications, flight test, and flight controls design engineering. I am super excited to return to a rich learning environment and gain some new software development skills. I plan to complete the full course path ending with a specialty in Python. I enjoy spending time outside by camping and hiking or having a beer at a brewery with friends (when that is a thing again).