- 1
Telegram in CLI in 2024?
#311 opened by y0ur5h4d0w - 0
- 1
Can't type any messages
#310 opened by shandsy - 9
tg doesn't send message;
#305 opened by Rick21-bit - 2
tg doesn't load chat
#249 opened by alen-mat - 1
- 1
- 10
Hangs on start
#269 opened by marcoradocchia - 3
No such file or directory error when launching tg
#300 opened by KRC2000 - 2
Error executing tg | OSError:
#289 opened by navakelvin - 8
Blank screen after installing tg
#290 opened by numero69 - 1
mailcap file is being ignored
#298 opened by ztx-lyghters - 2 not honoring settings
#272 opened by polemon - 12
black screen after running "tg"
#277 opened by Kn07-1 - 7
RuntimeError: Telegram error: {'@type': 'error', 'code': 406, 'message': 'UPDATE_APP_TO_LOGIN', '@extra': {'request_id': 'updateAuthorizationState'}}
#284 opened by strongpapazola - 5
update telegram-tg
#257 opened by 0x3n0 - 1
Enter Code:
#297 opened by umop3plsdn - 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 2
Yay version broken build
#287 opened by SlikeDollar - 0
ranger doesn't work as file picker
#288 opened by andynameistaken - 0
- 0
How to export chat history in to the text?
#286 opened by fastchain - 2
NOTIFY_CMD does not escape output
#280 opened by Noodlez1232 - 3
- 2
Blank screen and errors KeyError: 'sender_id'
#282 opened by megasuperlexa - 0
Can't send messages to the channels
#283 opened by shincoldfire - 0
How to download all attachments automatically ?
#279 opened by fastchain - 0
ns, ng(new secret chat, net group chat) not working
#276 opened by hawkofsky - 1
Authentication fails.
#275 opened by RokeJulianLockhart - 3
Yay installation doesn't work
#273 opened by cain-dev - 0
Docker image can't login (2FA)
#274 opened by fastchain - 12
No output in tg unless I'm root
#264 opened by atxr - 9
UPDATE_APP_TO_LOGIN on execution.
#254 opened by artur-shaik - 0
Uninterrupted continuous chat
#265 opened by matifali - 2
Check `have_dialog(dialog_id)` failed
#268 opened by iQiexie - 1
Not working, everything is blank after running tg. Its happening after I update tdlib. Doesn't work with latest tdlib
#266 opened by z8512 - 9
tg hanging on startup since update of libtd
#258 opened by kovidgoyal - 1
Chats are not rendering on Apple Silicon M1
#262 opened by FraSharp - 3
Chat and messages are not rendering
#260 opened by drednoot - 0
- 0
Wrong version 34
#261 opened by pegromdev - 6
Endless update in TG
#256 opened by d13g0x - 1
API key
#253 opened by TruncatedDinoSour - 1
Image view causes a segmentation fault
#252 opened by banderlog - 0
Open link doesn't work on captions
#250 opened by ligix - 2
How do I reset session?
#247 opened by poncorobbin