Web 3 Revenue Primitives

Core primitives are a set of concepts that are innately understood but cannot be expressed in simpler terms.

This repository is an attempt at list of web3 revenue primitives, created by, for, and at ETHMagicians Prague 2018 by the business models ring.

Notes from Business Models Ring at Eth Magicians, the first session which convened on 2018/10/29, are here.


Marketplace Percentage Fee

This model is where you take a % of each trsanction on your platform. It is popular with exchanges.


Sell a bunch of ERC20 tokens at once, or during a window of time.

Some popular ICO models:

TODO -- Fill in subcategories: security token, utility token, etc.

Continous Funding Models

Sell a bunch of ERC20 tokens over time.

Streaming Money

TODO: Add some information about State Channels.

Non Fungible Tokens

Non fungible tokens are tokens that are unique from one another

Famous NFT projects:


Subscriptions are a recurring exchange of value over time.

Questionable / Possible Ponzi Schemes

TODO - What else should live here?


What did we miss?

Coming to Prague this October? Join us on the business model ring at ETHMagicians 2018

Remote? Open an issue and let us know, or, even better, open up a PR.