
user interface for configuration and administration

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



user interface for configuration and administration


0.5.11 (2015-09-15)

  • (bluefox) create state of object after attributes editing
  • (bluefox) remove common.type=='enum'. It must be a number
  • (bluefox) show "level.time" as Time
  • (bluefox) fixed: Reiter Objekte: "common.type" verschwindet / Name wird verkürzt
  • (bluefox) fix Multistate-Attribute
  • (homoran) Update adminAdapters.js

0.5.10 (2015-09-13)

  • (bluefox) change "add new object" behaviour
  • (bluefox) add "install from custom URL" button (required new js-controller >= 0.7.12)
  • (bluefox) add service.png
  • (bluefox) show hostst in green if updates available

0.5.9 (2015-08-26)

  • (bluefox) add button "create object"
  • (bluefox) Übersetzungen
  • (bluefox) add service group (for terminal)

0.5.8 (2015-08-18)

  • (bluefox) update select ID dialog
  • (bluefox) copy to clipboard functionality

0.5.7 (2015-08-11)

  • (bluefox) try to fix log columns
  • (bluefox) show boolean in States as enumerations.
  • (bluefox) implement upload indicator
  • (bluefox) update packages

0.5.6 (2015-08-05)

  • (bluefox) fix translate.js
  • (bluefox) support of multilanguage for tabs
  • (bluefox) improve selectID.js
  • (bluefox) store settings of selectId dialog

0.5.5 (2015-07-29)

  • (bluefox) update packages

0.5.4 (2015-07-01)

  • (bluefox) fix error in "create new group"

0.5.3 (2015-06-29)

  • (bluefox) enable select objects in javascript

0.5.2 (2015-06-29)

  • (bluefox) fix delete objects
  • (bluefox) fix vis group

0.5.1 (2015-06-28)

  • (bluefox) support of permissions
  • (bluefox) confirm deleting of scripts
  • (bluefox) fix license agreement for adapters
  • (SmilingJack) fix scroll by adapter config
  • (bluefox) support of https link in instances
  • (bluefox) fix buttons after sort in jqGrid table
  • (siedi)implement multiselect for selectID tree
  • (bluefox) better edit object in raw mode.
  • (bluefox) adjustable tabs

0.5.0 (2015-06-12)

  • (bluefox) support of permissions

0.4.8 (2015-05-17)

  • (bluefox) fix buttons after sort in jqGrid table

0.4.7 (2015-05-13)

  • (bluefox) fix license agreement for adapters
  • (SmilingJack) fix scroll by adapter config

0.4.6 (2015-05-01)

  • (bluefox) confirm deleting of scripts

0.4.5 (2015-04-24)

  • (SmilingJack) update jquery ui to 1.11.4
  • (bluefox) remove unused libs
  • (bluefox) set missing categories

0.4.4 (2015-04-19)

  • (bluefox) fix error with hm-rega instance

0.4.3 (2015-04-19)

  • (bluefox) fix error with select ID dialog in edit script
  • (bluefox) fix group of installed adapter
  • (bluefox) show statistics over installed adapters
  • (bluefox) add "agree with statistics" checkbox

0.4.2 (2015-04-17)

  • (bluefox) workaround for license text

0.4.1 (2015-04-17)

  • (bluefox) fix click on buttons on adapter tab

0.4.0 (2015-04-16)

  • (bluefox) use tree for adapters
  • (bluefox) implement license agreement for adapters

0.3.27 (2015-04-14)

  • (bluefox) save size of script editor dialog
  • (bluefox) fix errors with table editor in adapter configuration
  • (bluefox) update npm modules

0.3.26 (2015-03-27)

  • (bluefox) change save function for adapter settings
  • (bluefox) fix show states in object tab

0.3.23 (2015-03-22)

  • (bluefox) fix error with show values in objects TAB
  • (bluefox) move objects tab code into adminObjects.js

0.3.22 (2015-03-20)

  • (bluefox) move states to extra file
  • (bluefox) speed up rendering of states
  • (bluefox) store some filter settings (not all yet)
  • (bluefox) support of width and height settings for configuration dialog of adapter instance
  • (bluefox) enable read and upload of files (for sayit)

0.3.21 (2015-03-08)

  • (bluefox) fix filter in log

0.3.20 (2015-03-07)

  • (bluefox) support of uncolored log messages
  • (bluefox) place logs in own file

0.3.19 (2015-03-04)

  • (bluefox) fix some errors with restart

0.3.18 (2015-02-22)

  • (bluefox) fix error with delete button for adapters

0.3.17 (2015-02-22)

  • (bluefox) fix error with refresh button for adapters (again)

0.3.16 (2015-02-21)

  • (bluefox) fix error with refresh button for adapters

0.3.15 (2015-01-26)

  • (bluefox) extend table editor in adapter settings
  • (bluefox) fix error in instances.

0.3.14 (2015-01-26)

  • (bluefox) fix error with adapter instances with more modes (again)

0.3.13 (2015-01-21)

  • (bluefox) add selection of certificates to settings of admin
  • (bluefox) make showMessage dialog

0.3.12 (2015-01-20)

  • (bluefox) add selection of certificates to settings of admin
  • (bluefox) make showMessage dialog

0.3.11 (2015-01-16)

  • (bluefox) fix npm

0.3.10 (2015-01-14)

  • (bluefox) fix error with adapter instances with more modes

0.3.9 (2015-01-10)

  • (bluefox) support of multiple hosts if one host is down.

0.3.8 (2015-01-08)

  • (bluefox) fix errors with states update if filtered. Resize command putput window.

0.3.7 (2015-01-07)

  • (bluefox) fix errors with history state update.

0.3.6 (2015-01-07)

  • (bluefox) group edit of history settings. Move history settings from states to objects.

0.3.5 (2015-01-06)

  • (bluefox) add events filter. Fix error with alive and connected status.

0.3.4 (2015-01-04)

  • (bluefox) fix error with update adapters with "-" in name, like hm-rpc or hm-rega

0.3.3 (2015-01-03)

  • (bluefox) fix error if states without object

0.3.2 (2015-01-02)

  • (bluefox) fix error if states without object

0.3.1 (2015-01-02)

  • (bluefox) Support of npm install

0.3.0 (2014-12-25)

  • (bluefox) Support of debounce interval for history

0.2.9 (2014-12-20)

  • (bluefox) fix filter of IDs in objects

0.2.8 (2014-12-20)

  • (bluefox) support of controller restart

0.2.7 (2014-12-19)

  • (bluefox) fix time in log (web)
  • (bluefox) replace enum edit with tree

0.2.6 (2014-12-16)

  • (bluefox) replace jqGrid with fancytree by objects

0.2.5 (2014-12-07)

  • (bluefox) fix object tree (some nodes was hidden)

0.2.4 (2014-12-05)

  • (bluefox) preload last 200 lines from iobroker.log

0.2.3 (2014-12-04)

  • (bluefox) install adapter with npm

0.2.2 (2014-11-29)

  • (bluefox) Set language settings after license confirmed
  • (bluefox) try to use npm installer for this adapter

0.2.1 (2014-11-26)

  • (bluefox) Charts in history dialog
  • (bluefox) filter states by history
  • (bluefox) show only 500 events

0.2.0 (2014-11-20)

  • (bluefox) support of no-"io." schema
  • (bluefox) better enum editing
  • (bluefox) update of object tree online

0.1.9 (2014-11-15)

  • (bluefox) fix scripts editor

0.1.8 (2014-11-10)

  • (bluefox) fix problem if js-controller does not hav the most actual version

0.1.7 (2014-11-09)

  • (bluefox) add log pane

0.1.6 (2014-11-07)

  • (bluefox) fix edit list in configuration

0.1.5 (2014-11-03)

  • (bluefox) support of tables in edit configuration

0.1.4 (2014-11-01)

  • (bluefox) update history dialog live (add new values on the fly to history table)

0.1.3 (2014-11-01)

  • (bluefox) add link to web service of adapter instance

0.1.2 (2014-11-01)

  • (bluefox) add functions to edit lists in adapter config

0.1.1 (2014-10-30)

  • (bluefox) support of sendToHost command for adapter config.

0.1.0 (2014-10-29)

  • (bluefox) update states if some adapter added or deleted. Update states if history enabled or disabled.

0.0.19 (2014-10-24)

  • (bluefox) fix error with repository edition

0.0.18 (2014-10-20)

  • (bluefox) fix error with "up to date"

0.0.17 (2014-10-19)

  • (bluefox) fix delete of adapter

0.0.16 (2014-10-19)

  • (bluefox) support of certificate list

0.0.15 (2014-10-09)

  • (bluefox) make possible availableModes for adapter
  • (bluefox) add auto changelog
  • (bluefox) improve Grunt
  • (bluefox) by default enabled.


  • (bluefox) add repositories editor


  • (hobbyquaker) gridAdapter style
  • (hobbyquaker) moved system settings to dialog


  • (bluefox) new concept of updates/upgrades


  • (hobbyquaker) bugfix - slashes in IDs
  • (hobbyquaker) bugfix - gridHistory


  • (hobbyquaker) more options in dialogHistory
  • (hobbyquaker) add enums
  • (hobbyquaker) hide not-implemented buttons (add/del object f.e.)
  • (hobbyquaker) prepared tab log
  • (hobbyquaker) gridAdapters: colors for release state (red = planned, orange = alpha, yellow = beta, green = stable)


  • (hobbyquaker) history


  • (hobbyquaker) added column "parent name" to gridStates


  • (hobbyquaker) prepared enum members
  • (hobbyquaker) hide logout button if auth disabled
  • (hobbyquaker) refactoring
  • (hobbyquaker) fixes


  • (hobbyquaker) show available version, show update button if not up-to-date
  • (hobbyquaker) minor fixes