download iso

open download_iso download_contribute

use other software (e.g. ultraiso) to make boot disk if necessary

install system

install_start select_language select_custom select_type select_location select_keyboard

note that if ubuntu system was reinstalled this hostname settings page may not be presented select_hostname install_wait install_complete

fake monitor

set scaling factor to 2 if hi-dpi screen enabled

$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor 2

fake a virtual monitor temperarily if gui program open failed

$ xrandr --newmode "hitrobot" 49.00 1024 1072 1168 1312 600 603 613 624 -hsync +vsync

$ xrandr --addmode VIRTUAL1 hitrobot

retry gui program (e.g. rviz) and good luck

configure network

bind eth0 to staic address for legacy linux network (not recommended)

$ sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

#auto lo
#iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

reset eth0 to static address once for legacy linux network (not recommended)

$ ifconfig eth0 [ip_address] netmask [ip_netmask] up

add connection in network manager gui mode (recommended)


set connection in network manager config file (strongly recommended)

$ sudo vi /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/wifi_ssid

type=802-11-wireless / 802-3-ethernet




method=manual / shared


remember to set the link for network connection if failed to visit websites after installation

$ sudo ln -s /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

remote access

set remmina if it is used as terminal

$ sudo apt-get install remmina

remmina_client remmina_add

set desktop sharing if it is used as host

$ sudo apt-get install vino

desktop_sharing desktop_settings

set vnc4server for connecting ubuntu from other system terminal (e.g. windows / ubuntu)

$ sudo apt-get install vnc4server

$ sudo apt-get install xrdp

$ sudo apt-get install dconf-editor

open dconf-editor and visit org > gnome > desktop > remote-access dconf_editor uncheck the "requlre-encryption" attribute

set x11vnc for connecting odroid-ubuntu from windows

$ sudo apt-get install x11vnc

$ sudo apt-get install xrdp

$ sudo vi /etc/init/x11vnc.conf

start on login-session-start
    x11vnc -display :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -forever -shared -bg -o /var/log/x11vnc.log -rfbport 5900 -tightfilexfer
end script

use remote desktop from rdp to vnc remote_rdp_vnc

use tightvnc to copy and paste clipboard between windows and linux

use scp to copy files between linux systems and use pscp to copy files from or to windows

use teamviewer to fulfill remote access worldwide

set permissions

cancel sudo password

$ sudo sed -i -e "/%sudo\sALL=(ALL:ALL)\sALL/ c %sudo\tALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" /etc/sudoers

use pkexec command if sudo failed

$ pkexec visudo -f /etc/sudoers

save (ctrl^o + return) and exit (ctrl^x)

change powerbtn event to shutdown immediately (legacy)

$ sudo sed -i -e "/action=/etc/acpi/ c action=sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now" /etc/acpi/events/powerbtn

change powerbtn event to reset communication (current)

$ sudo sed -i -e "/action=/etc/acpi/ c action=/etc/acpi/" /etc/acpi/events/powerbtn

$ sudo ln -s ~/catkin_ws/ /etc/acpi/

$ sudo service acpid restart

open dconf-editor and visit org > gnome > settings-daemon > plugins > power dconf_button change the "button-power" attribute to "nothing"

add current user to dialout group for tty authority

$ sudo usermod -aG dialout $(whoami)

create tty rule file for current user

$ echo 'KERNEL=="ttyS[0-9]*", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-tty.rules

$ echo 'KERNEL=="ttyUSB[0-9]*", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-tty.rules

lookup and bind the device id

$ udevadm info /dev/ttyUSB0 (e.g. USB0 ID_PATH=pci-0000:00:1a.0-usb-0:1.2:1.0)


$ echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ENV{ID_PATH}=="pci-0000:00:1a.0-usb-0:1.2:1.0", SYMLINK+="alias_name(e.g.)"' | sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-tty.rules

revise grub file in order to skip boot-in check if necessary

$ sudo sed -i '177s/ ro / rw /' /etc/grub.d/10_linux

$ sudo update-grub

install softwares

install google input source for ibus (or fcitx)

$ sudo apt-get install ibus-googlepinyin (or fcitx-googlepinyin)

install basic development toolkits

$ sudo apt-get install vim ssh htop cutecom setserial imagemagick byobu

install sublime text editor

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install sublime-text-installer

set git config for user name and email

$ git config --global `hostname`

$ git config --global $

generate ssh-key and add ~/.ssh/ to github if necessary

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C $

may need to add ssh only if the system isn’t doing it for you automatically.

$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

install gitg for git and rapidsvn for svn

$ sudo apt-get install gitg rapidsvn meld

link git repository

$ git clone

$ git clone

link svn repository if rapidsvn is failed to get permanent certification

$ svn list (e.g.)

remove all backup~ files from svn if necessary

$ find . -name *~ -exec rm {} ;

set "subl" and "meld" in the preference of rapidsvn

install partition tools if necessary

$ sudo apt-get install gparted

install mysql database if necessary

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-client

$ sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev

auto startup

startup_applications edit_preferences

edit the startup program command as follow if running ros file before calling .bashrc

gnome-terminal -x bash -c '~/catkin_ws/'

change hostname

$ sudo vi /etc/hostname


$ sudo vi /etc/hosts       localhost       [hostname]

remastersys backup

download remastersys_3.0.3-1_all.deb install_remastersys note that remastersys should be re-installed if it is already a remastersys backup system

change "WORKDIR" to custom directory if necessary (e.g. /home/remastersys)

$ sudo nano /etc/remastersys.conf

do the remastersys backup

$ sudo remastersys backup

wait for a while and get the generated file <custom-backup.iso> at /home/remastersys/

note that teminate the backup ctrl+c and do the following if the basename warning happened

$ sudo apt-get remove popularity-contest

$ sudo apt-get remove ubiquity*

$ sudo apt-get remove remastersys

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get -f install

use other software (e.g. ultraiso) to make boot disk if necessary