Tiny Face Detector in TensorFlow

The original repository of Tiny Faces can be found in here.

Tesing Tiny Face Detector in TensorFlow

  1. Prepare images in a directory.

  2. tiny_face_eval.py reads images one by one from the image directory and write images to an output directory with bounding boxes of detected faces.

python tiny_face_eval.py
  --weight_file_path /path/to/pickle_file
  --data_dir /path/to/input_image_directory
  --output_dir /path/to/output_directory

python3 tiny_face_eval.py --weight_file_path weights.pkl --data_dir testimages/ --output_dir predictedimages/ --line_width 3 --display True

FaceNet Detection in TensorFlow

The original repository of FaceNet can be found in here.

Tesing Tiny Face Detector in TensorFlow

  1. Prepare images in a directory.

  2. align_dataset_mtcnn.py reads images one by one from the image directory and write images to an output directory with bounding boxes of detected faces.

python3 align_dataset_mtcnn.py testimages/ output/