
A python test server to incorporate to the "CBIR visualization tool" and its server.

Primary LanguagePython


A python test server to incorporate to the "CBIR visualization tool" and its server.


 virtualenv ~/BLCF
 source ~/BLCF/bin/activate
  • For python dependencies run:
 pip install --upgrade pip
 pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Make sure you are using theano order for the images. Edit '~/.keras/keras.json'
{    "image_dim_ordering": "th", "epsilon": 1e-07, "floatx": "float32", "backend": "theano"}

[NOTE] - In MAC_OS, matplotlib might cause problems using a python virtual enviroment. You might need to Create a file '~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc' there and add the following code: 'backend: TkAgg'.

  • If you want the system to be evaluated, follow the next steps: 1. In the main project folder, create a file named compute_ap.cpp and copy/paste the code from HERE. 2. In your shell, from the same path, run the following code:

        > gcc compute_ap.cpp -o test -lstdc++
        > ./test
        > rm compute_ap.cpp
        > mv test compute_ap

Setting the paths and models

  • Set the path to the main folder in 'src/config.py'
MAIN_PATH = '/path/to/python-server/search_engine'
  • Download the data folder and place within the 'search_engine' folder.


  • To run the code run:
python main.py    


Install apidoc

npm install -g apidoc

Run documentation generation script:

apidoc -o documentation -e node_modules

Open the file 'index.html' stored in the folder 'documentation' to see how to customize the system.