
Linux config

Primary LanguageVim Script


My Linux configuration files.

Be sure to run git submodule update --init to grab any required dependencies.

Gaps aren't actually useful outside screenshots

Programs I expect to be installed


What I do

I have the following Wayland-based setup:

  • Display Mananger: SDDM - A minimal display manager
  • Window Manager: Sway - An i3 drop-in Wayland compositor
  • Terminal: Sakura - A minimal Wayland terminal
  • Shell: Oh My Zsh - Shell with better autocomplete and nice theming
  • Application Launcher: Ulauncher - Like dmenu, but for Wayland

But I break that on a semi-monthly basis (Usually due to Wayland jank-ery and my own incompetence), so I also run an X compositor setup that goes something like this:

  • Window Manager: XMonad - Tiling window manager written in Haskell
  • Terminal: URxvt - A minimal X terminal
  • Application Launcher: Dmenu - Like dmenu, but it is dmenu

I also have a very minimally configured LXQT Desktop environment that I hardly ever use.