
Use Machine Learning to recognise mosquito species from pictures and use Kaggle datasets to anticipate risk areas

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Use Machine Learning to recognise mosquito species from pictures and anticipate risk areas with geolocalised data.


This project

This project is aim to achieve two objectives:

1. Use Convolutional Neural Networks to recognise mosquito species.
We will use pictures downloaded via Google and study the recognition accuracy differences between Inception retraining and From Scratch Neural Networks.

2. Use Machine Learning models to anticipate if an area have risks to develop mosquito induced epidemics.
We will use Kaggle Datasets to achieve this objective :
a. Malarial Mosquito Database
Geo-coded Inventory of Anophelines in the Sub-Saharan Africa
b. The fight against malaria
Who is dying and being saved from this destructive disease?

Risk areas identification

This part of the project can be explored through the jupyter notebook malaria_mosquito_geo/Data_analysis.ipynb.
Just move to this part of the project and run a notebook server:

cd malaria_mosquito_geo
jupyter notebook


Without Docker

First of all, be sure to have python3 and pip3 installed. If not, run

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip

Then install the project dependencies

git clone https://github.com/paulasquin/mosquito-induced-epidemics-anticipation.git
cd mosquito-induced-epidemics-anticipation
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If you encounter an issue with the installation of Tensorflow 1.5, it may be linked to Python 3.7. Try to use Python 3.6, or choose to use Docker!

With Docker

Be sure to have docker and docker-compose installed. If you haven't them already, you can follow those tutorials for docker and docker-compose.
Note for incoming commands : depending of your installation, you may not need sudo

Build the docker image:

sudo docker-compose build

Up the docker

sudo docker-compose up -d

This will run the docker container in background and display its name. Your container's name should be of format mosquito-induced-epidemics-anticipation_mosquito_1_######.
To make our life easier, run the command:

export mosquito=YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME

Optional : Run the project with a Google API Key

You may want to run the project already knowing that you don't want to use preprocessing features. Thus, you don't need the .env file with its Google API Key. You can run:

sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-without-env.yml build
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-without-env.yml up -d

Optional : Check for docker container names

sudo docker ps --format "{{.Names}}"

Enter in the inner bash

Open a new terminal and run:

sudo docker exec -it $mosquito bash

You can now run commands in the docker container! If you want to run multiples command at the same time, you can re-run this command in new terminal.

Stop the docker container

sudo docker stop $mosquito

You may have to wait up to ~8 seconds before the container stops. This is because of the sleep infinity command that is keeping the container alive.

Get your .env file to use Google API

You will have to use a Google Developer Account to create a .env file and use the Google Image API. We only use this API in order to crop our images as a part of the preprocessing. We identified an accuracy improvement by using insect-cropped images. This way, we eliminate useless information in the mosquito species identification process.

Thus, create a .env file at the root of the project and write GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=YOUR_KEY

Initialise the project

Preprocess the dataset

In order to avoid re-preprocessing the whole dataset, we provide the image_recognition/preprocessed_dataset folder. Still, if you want to reprocessed the dataset, because you want to have a try or because you add new images, just run:

python3 -m image_recognition.preprocess_dataset

If an image is detected to have already been preprocessed, it will be passed. Remove the image_recognition/preprocessed_dataset folder if you want to perform a whole re-preprocessing.

Augment the dataset

In order to improve our models accuracy, a good way to augment the data is to propose rotated pictures. Thus, to perform augmentation as width-flip, height-flip, cwRotate, ccwRotate, inverse run:

python3 -m image_recognition.image_augmenting

Train models

Run an Inception retraining

python3 -m image_recognition.inception_classification.command_classification

You will be able to monitor the retraining at

Run a From Scratch Neural Network training

Run the training

python3 -m image_recognition.from_scratch_neural_network.train

Please note that you can change the Neural Network parameters, that we call Hyperparameters. More information bellow.

Customize hyperparameters

You can choose your own Neural Networks parameters by editing image_recognition/from_scratch_neural_network/hyperparams.txt

Here are the influences of each parameter:

NUM_ITERATION: number of training iterations.
+ If too big, the model still works but take a very long time and will end not learning anymore and performs unnecessary calculations - If it is too small, the model does not have time to reach its actual performance

BATCH_SIZE: size of the image subpacket used for each train iteration.
+ If too large, the necessary calculations and memory explode and the performance of the model decreases by loss of the generalization capacity. - If too small, gradient descents are less representative and performance calculations become noisy.

LEARNING_RATE: learning speed, speed coefficient of the gradient descent.
+ If too large, the gradient descent can lead to a divergence. - If too low greatly slows the speed of calculation.

LES_CONV_FILTER_SIZE: list of the size of the convolution filters, in other words, the size of the local area to study. See Figures 4 & 5 of this page
+ If values are too large or if the list is too big, real features will become invisible to the model and we will underfit. - If values are too small or the list to small, the model will not be able to clear features effectively and we will overfit.

LES_NUM_FILTERS_CONV: list of the number of filters per convolution layer, in other words number of neurons per layer.
+ If the values are too large, the memory and the necessary computing capacity grow enormously. - If the values are too small, the model is not complex enough and can not learn well.

FC_LAYER_SIZE: size of the last Fully Connected layer (cf figure 9 in this page).
+ If the value is too large, the memory charge explodes. - If the value is too low, the accuracy of the model falls considerably.

For instance you can have:

LES_CONV_FILTER_SIZE = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]
LES_NUM_FILTERS_CONV = [256, 256, 256, 128, 128, 128, 64, 64, 64]

Note : be sure that LES_CONV_FILTER_SIZE and LES_NUM_FILTERS_CONV lists have the same lengths.

Run tests

Test .env access

Go to the root of the project and run

python3 -m tests.test_env

You should get Success!.

Test image preprocessing

As explained before, you know that for improving our models accuracy, we have to preprocessed images and crop them to the insect they contains. To test this features, remove the *_cropped.jpg and *_framed.jpg pictures from the tests folder, then run:

python3 -m tests.test_preprocessing

You should end with preprocessed images on the tests folder.

Test inception retraining and labelling

You can test inception retraining and inception image labelling:

python3 -m tests.test_inception_classification [command]

[command] can be

--retrain : retrain the inception model
--label [optional path to one or more images to label]

Code structure presentation


This file contain the API key used for preprocessing the dataset, for the insect-cropping process.


Contains instructions for docker.

  • Use python3 build
  • Link the application folder to the docker container
  • Keep the container alive with sleep command

docker-compose.yml and docker-compose-without-env.yml

Simplify docker commands by mounting .env and app folders in a modifiable way.


Contains the required pip3 modules to install.


Run tests to check the project function


Test the .env existence and operation


Test image recognition on the inception retraining side. You can test inception retraining and inception image labelling:

    python3 -m tests.test_inception_classification [command]

[command] can be

--retrain : retrain the inception model
--label [optional path to one or more images to label]


Test a one image preprocessing : use pic_014 in the tests folder to generate framed and crop pictures. The output images will also be stored in the tests folder for you to verify them.


Folder containing image recognition techniques and dataset processing.


Use Google Vision API to crop images to the "insect" box.

  • mosquito_position: Send the image to the API and retrieve mosquito position. Return the insect coordinates on a 0-1 scale.
  • Compute which pixel form the insect boundaries
  • mosquito_cropping: crop the mosquito image to insect boundaries
  • mosquito_framing: frame the mosquito in a squared to visualize the identification
  • save_crop_img: command and save the image cropping
  • save_framed_img: command and save the image framing


Command the dataset preprocessing, and avoid to re-preprocessed already preprocessed pictures.

  • check_create_folder: If destination folder doesn't exists, create it.
  • create_preprocessed_dataset: command dataset preprocessing for not already preprocessed pictures.


Augment the dataset for better image recognition performance (in particular for from scratch models). Perform image rotation augmentations.

  • get_augmentation_path: Generate the augmented image path, with given original path and augmentation
  • not_already_augmented: Return False if asked augmentation already exists or if the file is already an augmentation
  • augment_image: perform augmentations.


The raw dataset


The dataset after having perform the preprocessing


The dataset after having perform augmentation on the preprocessed_dataset


Inception retraining to perform picture classification


Keras trials we haven't had to our report as it haven't led us to more results.


Perform retrain, monitoring and predict commands.

  • Retrain: Command the retraining agent with indicated parameters and chosen model.
  • Tools: Arrange the models in different files for monitoring the model versions and get the number of the export folder looking at already existing folders
  • Tensorboard: Command Tensorboard monitoring
  • Predict: perform label prediction for given images. Make the user able to chose the model or let it automatic.
  • train_and_monitor: run both Retrain and Tensorboard
  • label_automatic: run prediction on a file using automatic model folder


Retrain agent provided by Google


Model using agent provided by Google


From scratch neural network creation and training to perform picture classification