
MPS project

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Table of Contents

About The Project

This ML project is about inference for patients that are suspects for COVID-19 desease.

Used Technologies

  • Python
  • Ludwig
  • Flask
  • Angular

Wiki webpage


How does it work?

  • Python script will read the training data set and preprocess it
  • After preprocessing, we will train the model using Ludwig
  • The user accesses the website and loads the dataset
  • Call from frontend towards backend is made to evaluate the dataset on the trained model
  • Results are returned and showed in an easy to understand way

Getting Started


Backend Prerequisites

  1. Install Python 3

  2. Run the following commands in an elevated PowerShell window / CMD window:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

pip install ludwig

  1. (Optional step) If you're using Windows, on build 2004 you have to run:

pip install numpy==1.19.3

  1. Also run the following commands:

python -m spacy download en

pip install flask

Frontend Prerequisites

  1. Install Node.js, LTS. Make sure to also install npm and select Add to PATH


  1. Navigate to /sources/Angular_UI in a PowerShell elevated prompt

  2. Run the following command:

npm ci

How to run

Training and evaluation

  • python .\sources\main.py train .\input\training.dataset.csv .\output\preprocessed.dataset.csv .\sources\model_definition_train.yaml
  • python .\sources\main.py evaluate .\results\covid_inference_train\model .\input\testing.dataset.csv .\output\preprocessed-exp.dataset.csv .\sources\model_definition_evaluate.yaml

Overall application

  1. Navigate to the project's root in a PowerShell prompt

  2. Run the following command:

python sources/server.py

  1. Navigate to the /sources/Angular_UI folder in a PowerShell prompt

  2. Run the following command:

npm start

  1. Access the website application at the link: http://localhost:4200/covid-inference


The team

  1. Bengescu Paul, 341C5, Developer
  2. Ciudin Andreea-Alexandra, 341C5, Developer
  3. Cojocaru Cristina-Gabriela, 342C3, Team Leader
  4. Petrescu Ioana-Raluca, 341C5, Analyst
  5. Vintila Marius-Mihai, 341C5, Project Manager