Provides a demo app to deploy to a Kubernetes cluster. It displays a message, the name of the pod and details of the node it's deployed to.
- 1
Handlebar value injection refactor necessary to prevent unstyled content and missing images on missing env var
#38 opened by hotspoons - 0
- 2
Ingress example not working
#31 opened by kimllee - 0
#36 opened by justenwalker - 0
Not working when Policy runAsNonRoot is set, need to set securityContext.runAsUser
#35 opened by Alestrix - 0
PORT env variable not working
#34 opened by lsarrazi - 1
Document how to delete the deployment
#28 opened by simonw - 2
Please provide a single file yaml, it's very useful
#29 opened by STRRL - 0
Vulnerability report - 5 Oct 2021
#25 opened by paulbouwer - 1
is it at
#23 opened by willzhang - 3
EXTERNAL-IP stays in <pending> state
#14 opened by dwschulze - 2
Add additional service examples
#2 opened by paulbouwer - 4
exec format error
#16 opened by MichaelMichaelMichaelMichaelMichael - 1
Readme - Yarn Over NPM
#11 opened by bdlb77 - 2
- 1
Docker build issue
#3 opened by ruzickap - 1
background-color is slightly off.
#6 opened by alyx - 1
EXTERNAL-IP stuck on pending status
#1 opened by nanthanwa