
Recipes for creating different types of stories

The journalism recipe book

This repo contains recipes for creating different types of stories.

News formats

News formats lead on verbs, e.g. something that has been done or said. Story ideas can be found in problems ("concerns raised"), new information ("report says"), events and interviews ("X says Y") and responses ("X defends Y"). News stories are generally short and time-sensitive: that is, they are only newsworthy for a limited period of time and then become 'old news'.

Feature formats

Feature formats tend to be longer and less time-sensitive than news stories - but they typically follow a news story and have a topical hook (a reason why they're being written now). An explainer is normally writte about a subject because it's in the news at the moment, for example, and a person might be interviewed because they have a connection to something newsworthy (their experience or expertise connects to it, for example).


Investigations can involve a number of stories - both news formats and feature formats.