PlantUML functions to add STRIDE labels to diagrams.

STRIDE is a model of threats for software systems and is commonly used when performing threat modelling of software architectures. This project provides PlantUML functions to annotate PlantUML architecture diagrams (specifically C4 model diagrams) with STRIDE labels.

Other labels are also provided:

  • Trust:Value ratio labels: Trust represents how much you trust the environment the component is in and Value represents the value of the data that component has access to.
  • Aggregated risks: Sometimes it can be onerous to label all of the threats associated with a component. In this case it can be useful to aggregate the risks into a labelled entity that describes the mitigations for the risk taken.


The examples folder contains some example PUML files that use these functions.

Here is a basic usage example:

A basic example

Here is an example C4 model diagram using the C4-PlantUML library. The labels are not intended to indicate actual threats, merely to demonstrate the functionality of this library.

a C4 model example