This project is intended as a template for sharing Java projects with students in Ball State University's CS 121 course where [JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition)( is used as an IDE.
The IDE is cross-platform and this project is configured to use
Gradle. The gradlew
scripts will install an appropriate version of gradle
into a subdirectory of the users home directory (if a copy is not already present) to
ensure a cross-platform build and test environment is available. Note that
students do not need to install or configure Gradle.
Note that the .idea
directory with ItelliJ-specific settings
is not part of the repository since it would contain details
like the file system path to various components that one should
expect will vary from one student's machine to the next.
From the student's side, all they need to do in IntelliJ is use the menu sequence
File -> New -> Project from Version Control ...
When the dialog Get from Version Control
pops up
they need to enter the URL for this repository:
Then, to run the project they to use the Project
and navigate to the
file that contains
public static void main
and click on the big green arrow in
the left margin next to the source code. This will trigger
Gradle to "build" then "run" the program producing
output that looks like:
9:28:20 AM: Executing ':Hello.main()'...
> Task :compileJava
> Task :processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :classes
> Task :Hello.main()
Hello Java
Hello Gradle
Hello GitHub