
Wordpress starter project

Primary LanguageCSS

Wordpress package

Use this package to create a new project including Wordpress. Wordpress controls the web root.


  1. Install Composer so that you can run composer install from terminal. The composer.phar used for running composer can either be used from the current project folder by running php composer.phar install or setup globally via composer install on Windows or OSX/Unix.
  2. Install Node.js & NPM. This is requred for Grunt and Bower to function.
  3. Install Grunt by running npm install -g grunt-cli after NPM is installed.
  4. Install Bower npm install -g bower.
  5. Install Virtual Box.
  6. Install Vagrant.


  1. Run composer install to get all the required assets for this package. This will grab Wordpress, along with install Node and Bower dependencies.
  2. Update .env and puphpet/config.yaml with correct settings. The database connection settings should match.
  3. Add the vagrant box ip and server name from puphpet/config.php to your host file.
  4. run vagrant up to spin up virtual machine for development.
  5. generate a new key for Laravel by running php artisan key:generate.
  6. open vagrant.laravel-wordpress.com in your browser, if the 2015 theme for workdpress loads then your good to go!


Vagrant Up

This package comes with a vagrant package to develop in. run vagrant up to spin up the box. Make sure to add the ip and server name from puphpet/config.yaml to your host file. If there's already a entry with this same ip then update it in your puphpet/config.yaml file


If you need to make a modification to your php dependencies update the composer.json file and then run composer update


This package comes with a grunt file setup for preprocessing css and js files.

  • Run grunt watch to have watcher check for changes in asset files
  • Run grunt or grunt production to preprocess asset files manually
  • Modify the gruntfile.js to modify file locations if needed.


  • Update the bower.json file to update your bower dependencies. All Bower packages get installed under public_html/bower_components then run bower update to update your dependencies.


A primary user is created for Wordpress, you can login by going to /wp/wp-admin

  • Username admin
  • Password password


A base theme using underscores is started in /public_html/wp-content/themes/mytheme for theme development


Open Adminer by going to in the browser.

  • Username root
  • Password root