Lean4 bindings for raylib.
If you want to contribute to Raylean, you can find us on Discord
The project comes with a demo executable target. To build and run this use the provided justfile.
For now only macOS is supported.
Raylean has several dependencies:
- Lean, which we use for development of games.
- Just, as a replacement for Make.
- XCode for macOS SDK frameworks like OpenGL.
- Rust for building resvg, which provides SVG support.
You need to install all four to build Raylean. Below follows instructions for each.
Use the official documentation to setup Lean.
Install using Homebrew with:
brew install just
The macOS clang installation and macOS SDK frameworks like OpenGL are required when linking the executable.
Install by running:
xcode-select --install
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
Or use the official documentation to setup Rust.
To build the raylib static library and the demo executable, run the following command in the project:
just build
To run the demo, run the following command in the project:
just run
Assets used by the demo application are stored in the resources directory.
Asset | Attribution |
walter.png | Liza Schulze |
Asset.svg | Liza Schulze |