
This repository is the cluster repository for paulcarlton-core EKS cluster. The cluster can be created using the eksctl control file. Update this file with required setting.

eksctl delete cluster --config-file eksctl-config-ww-core.yaml --wait --force
eksctl create cluster --config-file eksctl-config-ww-core.yaml 
aws eks --region "$AWS_REGION" update-kubeconfig --name paulcarlton-core

Tekton Buildx

The graviton folder contains a santitized copy of the Fruitstand graviton POC.

To deploy this execute the amp/setup.sh script. This script requires environmental variables containing pager duty integration key and cluster name.

export PAGER_DUTY_KEY= export CLUSTER_NAME= amp/setup.sh

The amp/setup.sh script can be rerun but to avoid it creating a new Amazon Managed Prometheus workspace set the AMP_ID environmental variable to the workspace id...

export AMP_ID=ws-... amp/setup.sh