
Gem to easily allow rails applications to send synthesized telephone notifications.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Gem Version CircleCI


A rails gem to easily add sending synthesized messages from Rails to any phone number.


Add the robocall gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'robocall'

Update your bundle and run the migrations from the command line:

bundle install
rake robocall:install:migrations
rake db:migrate

In conf/environment.rb, add the configuration:

# Your twilio.com phone number, sid and auth token
Robocall.from_phone_number = '555-555-5555'
Robocall.sid               = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Robocall.auth_token        = 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'
# Basepath for the callback URL, your server name
Robocall.base_path         = 'http://example.com'

Now, you can send calls and texts easily using:

Robocall.send_text(to: '555 555 5555', text: 'Hey you!')
Robocall.send_robocall(to: '555 555 5555', text: 'This is a bad joke alert.')
Robocall.send_robocall(to: '555 555 5555', text: 'Hola', lanugage: :spanish)

# Send a twiml xml message as defined here: http://www.twilio.com/docs/api/twiml
Robocall.send_robocall_xml(to: '555 555 5555', xml: xml)

# Returns the TwilioRuby twilio object for fancyer things
# See https://github.com/twilio/twilio-ruby

# Deletes any callback record older than 6 hours
# You may want to run this once a day

Note: that texts are sent out pretty much from anywhere, but robocalls require the system to be set up on a publically accessible server, because Twilio wants to talk to you.