Short python script that moves away your files using regular expression matching
The structure of the config file autofileaway.rules.csv can be as follow:
This line does not rename the file and simply moves it to another place. The [0-9]{2} part is for handling episode count. Note that dots have to be escaped with \ character.
Here the file is renamed using regular expressions. Note the () in the source regex that permits you to handle variables.
NOTE: By specifing the same source and destination directories you can juste reame files in place.
.*(?i)Name[_ -]Of[_ -]a[_ -]Show.*[_ -]([0-9]{2}).*\.([A-z0-9]{3})$
This is an good regex I often use. Here is some explanations
- .* permit the file name to start with what it wants
- (i?) ignore case
- [_ -] words can be separated by - or _ or space
- ._ -. be flexible around the episode count to also match files with ep10v2 in it
- .([A-z0-9]{3})$ escape the dot, permit all 3 character long extention and specify clearly that this should be the end of the file name using $
The output format string should look something like this : "Name Of a Show \1.\2"