
Ansible wordpress mysql setup and maintenance.

Primary LanguageShell

Ansible Wordpress Mysql Configuration

This ansible setup configures an ubuntu server with nginx, php-fpm and mysql. It also downloads the latest wordpress, creates a db for it and configures it ready for install. The ubuntu server was setup in virtualbox with my public key for ssh. This playbook took approximately 5 hours as I had to learn ansible.


base ubuntu 14.05 server configured with my public key [ tor.www01.ubuntutarget ]


The playbook has 4 roles.


common commands, checks server status and updates the server


installs/enables/starts nginx with php-fpm


installs/enables/starts mysql and configures root password set in vars, removes anon users and test db


installs unzip, uses bash script to download latest.zip from wordpress.org, extracts and configures wp-config.php, uses salt.sh to grab a fresh salt from wordpress.org salt gen.